Answered Final Alarm
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Posts posted by StOpGoBlUE

  1. Those people on that committee are in for a rude awakening as to my knowledge not one of them has any background in safety prevention.. And code laws.. With the exception of luis marino who's is currently a past captain of mellor hose, on the other hand I hope it works out because we have a huge overcrowding in apartments here in port chester.. BUT we will an officer of the fire dept this is the first I haerd of it

    x635 likes this

  2. I agree very strongly with that statement, the accident happened at 4pm. By the time they reached me it was 4:20 and they called the helicopter. By the time they got me out and to the road we still had to wait about 10-15 mins for the helicopter to arrive. They had to shut down the Taconic cause that's were they landed the helicopter. I was BLS critera acording to NYS protocols. STAT-flight charges at that time i believe $195 per mile and it was $8000 alone in fuel. <BR><BR>I hope this story opens up EMS providers eyes about being so quick to call for medivac during hard times and not because they dont wanna drive an extra 10-15 mins to the trauma center ER.

  3. Well as for someone who can say.. i was in a ATV accident about 3 years ago in Putnam valley , i was flown from Putnam valley to WMC and the cost of that ride was not covered by my health insurance or my ATV insurance the cost was pretty hefty i wanna say at that time it was about $14,375.. but i was given the utmost best care i have ever received in my life and i thank god for that... now a days i just don't know if anybody could afford to be flown even if they are in seriously injured.. i only walked away with a few scratches and torn muscle in my back i was discharged about 4 hours later .. i can say i do believe i could have been taken by ambulance but due to the MOI. i believe it gets overlooked because all i can remember was hearing the medic as he approached before he even made patient contact was fly the helicopter.. unless you really need a medivac i do not believe they should be used

    64FFMJK likes this

  4. yes this is true empress wil be there 7 days a week from 7am-7pm, with 2 emts , one emt will go on a job with a volunteer who is a roster crew and the other with stay back in case they get hit with a second job or in the most serious case if there is a serious job the 2 empress emts will take the bus and mohegan vacs crew will meet them there. mohegan is a very great corps and myself am looking foward to working with them to give them a helpin hand that i here is much needed.. as for the white plains there in not truth to that at all transcare has that contract..

  5. Quote

    "16- Missing equipment will be subject to three (3) demerits each."

    How do they know whats missing?

    How about an empty bracket, that might give it away.

    im sorry but i thought the reason we spend all the money on there fire trucks and aparratus is to work on fire scenes and get memebrrs there safely.. not to look pretty in a parade granted winning a trohpy is great .i can tell you i had missing equipment on my truck at the parade cause we had a fire on tuesday and i had to take my chainsaw out of service.. sorry but im not gunna rush a piece of equipment to go back in servie soo it can fill and open spot in my compartment..

  6. . using a ladder pipe in a brush fire wires down enviroment is not the smartest thing to do espically from the looks of it that you had a man up there. if that water hits those wires there is nothing between you or the ground except a long steel ladder.. many traing officers and seminars on ladder operations.. adisve not to go within 10-15 ft of hot wires at all.. great job k.o the fire just not a smart idea using the stick with a man on it with live wires down