Just a guy

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Everything posted by Just a guy

  1. This video seems to have hit a sore spot with some members ... Just because it's not how it's done up here doesn't mean it's not right .... The cops were there first and apparently did what had to be done !!! Remember it's not about who gets there first or who starts the initial attack or who gets the kudos, it's about saving life and property, remember thats what we all signed on for !! Remember we are all in the Emergency Services Business together !!!! Stay safe Folks !
  2. Rest In Peace my Brother, You are gone but Never Forgotten
  3. If that actually happens in Newark, the national guard would have to be brought in. Our brothers and sisters in the Newark PD do the best job they can but it's like bailing out the ocean with a dixie cup. It makes me sick how governments like to play politics with Law Enforcement.
  4. Hopefully this company opening here will bring some much needed jobs to this state
  5. I think some of those crimes are pretty funny ... "Injure Telephone/power line " ... Thats an injury call so EMS can take that, no need for police ... " Intefere with power line " ... The way I see it, the only things that really interfere with power lines are those dam trees, and I love nature so i'm not gonna lock up a tree no matter how much it interferes with a power line. In all honesty this was just a small attempt to lighten up a serious topic but on the real side ... If this actually happens, Oakland will be UNLIVABLE !!!! The gangs rule there now, this is pretty much handing over the keys to the city... and forget working day tours, ALL of the midnight nonsense that doesn't get responded to will now fall in the lap of the day tour.... Unreal
  6. I guess the problem really is nation wide. Those are huge numbers of cops getting laid off. I hate to think what these towns and cities could become without proper police coverage. My thoughts and prayers are with the cops that got laid off, hopefully they will be back in the bag ASAP !
  7. It was always my understanding but I could be wrong that The residency requirements were in place for recall purposes meaning that if the need arose for a full department recall, you could have your personel in to work in a reasonable amount of time. With that being said... I can't say that I agree with the residency requirements, even for hiring purposes. I would rather see a non resident hired with a score of 100 rather than a yonkers resident with a score of 70 and believe me there is a difference in recruits between someone gets 100 and someone who gets a 70. Like one of the above posters said, You can't live in CT which would allow you to be into work in 45 minutes but you can live on the east end of long island which would make it 2 plus hours to get in, it just doesn't make sense but then again in this crazy state, what does ?
  8. Great Pics and Great Looking train Cars !
  9. Congratulations to All of the PD/FD members who were promoted and to the 2 cops that were rehired !!! Good Luck in your new assignments ! Let's hope that in the next few months all of our brothers and sisters in the PD/FD that have been laid off around the county will be rehired !!
  10. I'm assuming this was a parade of some sort so I have a few questions. First, if it was a parade why weren't these guys in parade dress ? Besides looking like morons riding on the top of the rig they look totally unprofessional wearing shorts and work boots while wearing their dress uniform hat. Socond , wouldn't it be safer and look much better if these guys were standing on the back bumper of the rig behind the hose bed holding on to the side rails ? Just my 2 cents ... Stay Safe All
  11. I was just looking at the number of Line of Duty Deaths so far in 2010 and as of this morning it stands at 88. This means that there have been as many line of Duty Deaths through June 29, 2010 as there were last year through August 31,2009. I urge all of my brothers and sisters to BE CAREFUL, BE ALERT, and maybe take that extra second to make sure that you are as safe as possible.
  13. I never had a bad meal in Pete's
  14. Ladies and Gentlemen, Let's all try to make it to this event. It's times like this when the Brotherhood that is the Emergency Services comes together and takes care of one of our own.
  15. Hey Haggis, I just took a minute to look at your department web site. The site has great pictures and is very informative. It seems like your department is very involved with the community which is nice to see. I would urge the other members of EMT Bravo to take a look at the Palenville FD site, it's worth the visit. I'm sorry that I can't help you with any leads on a new rescue but I do wish you and your department the best of luck, and as always, Stay Safe !
  16. May God Bless You My Brother, Rest In Peace.
  17. God Bless You Brother, May You Rest In Peace and may your family be forever comforted by their memories of you.
  18. Congrat's !! All the best
  19. When I took the Psych I think it was a few hundred questions, it's easy, just tell them what they want to hear but keep your answers consistent, they ask the same questions a lot of ways and a lot of times during the test. If they ask you if you hear voices say no, don't be like an ex partner of mine who said yes and during the oral psych exam the shrink called him on it and he said " I hear your voice, I hear voices from the other room, of course I hear voices !" Obviously he got the job but that didn't go over too well with the shrink, they tend to not have much of a sense of humor.
  20. This picture says it all.... First of all it was a great shot hitting a moving target.... Second, I can't tell what that kid has in his right hand and i bet you the cop or ANYONE ELSE couldn't tell either... he couldn't take the chance, he had to deploy.
  21. Keep your head up brother ! Don't back down and take it all the way to the top if need be !
  22. It's funny it seems to me like it's always volunteer firemen or volunteer ems workers who take the time to monday morning quaterback or second guess what the police do... Do you ever see the cops on here saying things like " I think it was excessive that those vollies had 6 trucks at that fire and they wasted all that water just to save that foundation." WE don't say stuff like that because we have no training or experience in fighting fires just like you have no training or experience in law enforcement. Before you guys get all in a huff I'm just trying to prove a point, I actually have a lot of respect for you guys who go out there and do it for free. With that being said, unless you are a cop or you have ever been a cop you really shouldn't be second guessing what a cop does. If that cop had tackled that kid there is a possibility that they both could have been hurt and then everyone would have been screaming police brutality and then they would be complaining that it cost the city money because now the cop is out injured and it's creating overtime. Everyone loves you guys, but unlike you WE CAN'T WIN , we are damned if we do and we are damned if we don't. Deploying the taser in this situation is exactly what they are for, it put a safe end to the situation for everyone. This little punk will not suffer any ill effects from the taser and I can assure you he will think twice before he does something stupid like this again.
  23. good that they locked her up ... she more than likely won't see any time but at least it will be on her record and now everyone knows that she is a LIAR !!!
  24. Gentlemen, Like Chris said, let's not get off topic. emser has made it clear that he is against the death penalty which is fine, thats his choice. I though emser was finished " entertaining on this topic" as he wrote earlier today but i guess not because he has continued to post here, again this is fine. emser has tried to put forth many reasons that the death penalty is wrong, citing religion, the constitution etc... but now he says that it's wrong because the victim was a lawyer who was against the death penalty... ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?????? Obviously he can't choose how to punish his murderer, but it's not up to his family or his friends or anyone else for that matter. THIS IS A MATTER OF LAW and his guilt was decided by a jury of his peers as was his sentence and that sentence in this case happens to be death... so be it. It doesn't matter who the victim was in life or what they believed in, if their death is a result of a criminal act then we depend on the government to prosecute the offense as prescribed by law and under the Utah state constitution this murder was prosecuted and a sentence passed... and all of this mans appeals have been exhausted.. it's now time for his sentence to be carried out. I do not appreciate your negative comments about the officers who will take part in this... if you want to be anti death penalty then thats fine but that doesn't give you the right to be anti law enforcement and it doesn't give you the right to slag those officers who will be involved in this. To the members of EMT bravo : I'm sorry to keep answering this guy but there are some things that I can't let go and have to be answered.
  25. I can assure you sir that i am not even close to being a liberal... law and order and true justice are my main concerns....I am a firm believer in the constitution and i am also a firm believer in the governments right to put convicted murderers to death as punishement for their crimes. My problem is not with your opinion, in fact one of the things that make this nation great is that we are free to have any opinion we want. My problem is with you saying that the act of taking part in a firing squad in immoral. As I said prior to this, these officers will have a hard enough time dealing with this without being monday morning quarterbacked by people like you. The justice system may not be perfect but it has worked pretty well for the last 234 years !! May God Bless all of us in the emergency services !