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Everything posted by LCFD968

  1. We find it interesting too!!!!!!
  2. if there is any one out there that has an extra piece of equipment PM, IM or eamil me. I am leaving with the truck Wednesday morning following the rig down to Kiln, Mississippi along with another Firefighter from Lake Carmel FD. Let me know ASAP so we could make arraingments for the pickup. An axe, Halogan, Pike pole, etc......anything. Thank you
  3. Great Shirt! Used ASI for the Putnam Explorer Campout two years in a row. Great quality, fast delivery.
  4. Rest in Peice Brother!!!
  5. Can't forget "GRINDER"
  6. For the past four years Putnam County has put together a weekend campout for explorers and juniors FF from FDNY, Westchester, Dutchess, Rockland and Putnam of course. The weekend consists of a few games(water ball & hose hockey), the training evolutions( Ladders, extrication, firefighter survival, search and rescue to name a few). This year we are adding a MCI drill to the schedule. Here is what we have: A full size bus about 15 to 20 kids per group a few training dummy's 5 evolutions Oh yeah and One hour for each evolution. I AM ASKING FOR THE MEMBERS OF EMTBRAVO FOR IDEAS ON HOW WE SHOULD RUN THE MCI DRILL? PM,EMAIL OR JUST POST YOUR IDEAS HERE. ALL IDEAS ARE APPRECIATED.
  7. Cam502 you forget to quote first paragraph
  8. I am not sure if I am explaining it right. I think the man should be punished. Come to think of it I think they should flogg his A$$ in front of everybody at the next parade. I just think that people learn from there mistakes and sometimes they should be given another chance (after the beating).
  9. Apparatus, Police Car, Fire Station, etc.......
  10. Don't get me wrong, I Believe no wait let me rephrase that, I HOPE he gets punished for what he did. But, He DID NOT CALL IN THE FALSE ALARM according to the article. If he did then I can understand where you are coming from.
  11. WOW! I am in a little shock. The guy made a mistake and admitted to it. He will be punished for his actions and well deserved, but come on! He has been a firefighter since high school and has dedicated his life to TFD and you guys are going to toss him aside like a piece of dirt. No One is Perfect and We have all made mistakes some more than others and I am sure your friends and family would support you and not turn there backs in a simular situation. He dedicated a good part of twenty years in the FD and I believe he deserves a second chance. Of course someone has to kick his A$$ for being an idiot. No one got hurt (Thank Goodness) and yes it could have been worse but it wasn't.
  12. How could I forget Buffalo Chicken Pizza from Gappy's with Blue Cheese on the side. Damn! Now I am hungry.
  13. Segrettis??? Never heard of it. Gappy's on North Horsepound and Rt 52 by Hess. They have good Pizza they moved there two or three years ago.
  14. My favorite is Garlic, Bacon and Onion Pizza. (shut up Nick). I dropped my 12 yrd son off at a birthday party this weekend and while I was talking to the mother the kids were eating pizza with POPCORN on it. Five 12 yrd's eating pizza with Popcorn on it. aaaahhggg! damn kids today!!!!
  15. UUUUMMMMMMMM Walters Dogs! Awesome I hear roadtrip!!
  16. Heart Attack on a Wedge! =D> =D>
  17. I worked for a car dealership and I watched them do there pre-delivery wax jobs. It was a crap job most of the time. When I bought my vehicle from them I took it home and waxed it again. Sometimes they ran out of time because the amount of deliveries that they had and wouldn't even wax them! So, my opinion WAX AWAY!!!Its not going to hurt it.
  18. Awesome,Congrats and Good Luck!!!!
  19. ONSTAR, The wave of the future. Almost all GM vehicles are equipped with Onstar. Just call up and "Big Brother" in the Sky unlocks the doors and just in case you lose your car they will sound the horns also.
  20. XM is the wave of the future. I have had it for over a year now and love it. Same stations from here to California, no commercial interuption. and for you Nascar freaks there is two stations, one of the race and one of the drivers talking in there car. The only bad part is the Playboy station cost $2.99 a month more.
  21. Our annual truck raffle has begun. We will raffle off a 2005 Chevy Silverado SS Limited and 2nd prize is a 2005 Polaris 400. Then 8 more prizes $1000.00 each. click below for more information PM me if there are any other questions.
  22. Ambulance=Bus Parimedic= medic Apparatus= rig Helicopter= bird Nozzle= Knob and I am sure there is alot more. :twisted: Putnam 911" the bus is waiting for the bird to land" Long live slang
  23. Good luck to all, Vinny C. going again (glutten for punishment).
  24. We survived!!! Had a good time cause I made sure I brought my swimmies and rubber duckie.