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Everything posted by 27east

  1. Of course the salary is public infomation and obviously YFD910 dosen't have to say if he does not want to. And I respect his decision not to reveal it. It's not like it's hard to find out what the schedule is if I (or anyone else) really wants to know.
  2. What is the pay range? Starting at $69,291.00 to...?
  3. I feel the need to open my big mouth. If Seth wants to shut down EMTBravo.com, then that's his right. People come on HIS PRIVATE site and b***h and moan about this and that involving the right to free speech and all that other B***s**t. But you know what, it's actually really simple - HE PAYS FOR THE SITE, SO IF HE WANTS TO CENSOR IT, OR CLOSE ONE PART OF THE SITE DOWN, THEN SO BE IT. FREE SPEECH DOES NOT APPLY HERE. THIS IS A PRIVATE SITE. We enjoy this site, and many of us (including me) can't afford to donate to keep it running. Then there are those who don't want to donate, but love to complain. Seth, I support you. I always have. Do whatever you have to in order to keep the forums up. Don't let the a**h***s tell you any different. And while I am ranting, some people on here really need to take an English course. -Francis
  4. I believe Hartsdale responds to Scarsdale as a FAST unit. But in this case, as was already said, Hartsdale, Scarsdale and Eastchester were training right around the corner. Also, what is Scarsdale's staffing? 3 Engines, 1 Truck and the car?
  5. I thought I heard Eastchester operating there as well?
  6. Hello all, Hopefully someone here can help me...I am trying to pay for two items I won on eBay with PayPal and whenever I try to confirm the payment (step 3 for those familar), I get the infamous "IE cannot display blah blah...". I emailed them and got no help....I've used the site before with no problems at all. Is this problem on my end with the security settings???
  7. I did all that, then rebooted router...that did it! THANK YOU!!!!!
  8. I tried it with Safari and still the exact same problem. Could it be my ISP or is it on their end? This is the first time I've ever had these problems.
  9. Other than the Sprague terminal, what other terminals are down there?
  10. Rest in Peace. Condolences to his family, friends, and co-workers.
  11. In the FDNY that would be (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) 10-8 (in service) and 10-2 (returning to quarters)
  12. Rest In Peace Officer Morelli Condolences to his family, friends, and co-workers
  13. While looking at Fairview Fire regarding the bond proposal, I couldn't figure out how certain calls are classified.... "122 Fire Calls • 13 Explosions • 1152 EMS & Rescue • 127 Hazardous Conditions • 526 Service Calls • 175 Good Intent Calls • 421 False Alarms • 1 Severe Weather • 24 Special Calls" So I was wondering what good intent and service calls were....for example, if my smoke alarms go off becuase of steam from the shower, that's a false alarm....but what about "i smell gas or smoke ect" and it turns into nothing??? Is that good intent or service?
  14. Just FYI, The Village of Pelham has a contract with SCC for trash pickup.
  15. How many career guys does Pelham Manor have on a tour?
  16. I'm about 99.8% sure that there are 3 career FF's on duty per tour.
  17. I heard Larchmont FD has sent out letters.
  18. Yea I'm sure they are some of the best people God ever put in His sandy desert.....
  19. So now his brother Raul takes over. Not a big change.
  20. Conditions uses RMPs or vans only? And what exactly do they do other than summonses?
  21. As the saying goes, "better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it!" However, with the laws we have here in this great state, it'll be a long, long, long time if things ever change here.
  22. wonderful....finally cold enough for snow, but we can't get any!!!
  23. Looks great! I wish I had the room to do this.
  24. I hate to say this, but he's worse now... yes I'm 22
  25. Sorry, but it's not.