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Some useless, but interesting Info

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Stolen from a Myspace bulliten:

On Wednesday, April 5th, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.

That won't ever happen again for 1000 years.

You may now return to your normal stuff.

Thank you.

Pass it on!

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Wow Where do you get theese things from, another one that I have heard is 06/06/06 which is coming up. I believe that these are called palindromes.

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648, I love ya, but you need help dude. LMAO.

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Give him a break lol, it's all over the internet and it's circulating in emails. My professor even took time out of class today to make this point. lol

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648, I love ya, but you need help dude. LMAO.

you've known me how long, and you're JUST realizing this????

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Hey 648,

You bored at work again?

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Hey 648,

You bored at work again?

No, actually home!!!'

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I think that this is pretty sweet but what is the one about June.

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I believe it's the same deal - 06/06/06 - except this is once every 100 years instead of 1000 years

Edited by 648eng119

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what about....

02:03:04 05/06/07

Is this the same idea?

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what about....

02:03:04  05/06/07

Is this the same idea?

Sure is

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Stolen from a Myspace bulliten:

Pass it on!

Bails what is this pertaining to K...BH232......? :rolleyes:

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Here is a CBS News article on it.

Stay Up Late and See Something Odd

WASHINGTON, Apr. 4, 2006


(AP) Call it a coincidental sign of our digital times or a reason to stay up late and stare at the clock. Either way, early Wednesday morning the time and date will be 01-02-03-04-05-06.

At 1:02 a.m. and three seconds on Wednesday, April 5, 2006, it will be the first hour of the day, the second minute of the hour, the third second of that precious minute in the fourth month and the fifth day of ... uh oh. It's not really the sixth year.

It's actually 2006 _ only in our shorthand is it '06.

"It just happens to be a chronological oddity," said Geoff Chester, spokesman for the U.S. Naval Observatory, an official world atomic clock timekeeper. "If you were to use the full year, that would screw things up completely. You do have to bend it a little if you want to make it work. That's what you call 'Finagle's Law of Best Fit'."

Even numerologists, such as Rob Ragozzine, who runs the web site, dismiss the 1-2-3-4-5-6 moment as merely "a neat coincidence" because of that pesky 2006 thing.

"People are interested in numbers," said Jack Horkheimer, 67-year-old host of the Star Gazer public television show and executive director of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium. "Would I stay up all night waiting for it? Ten years ago, I would have had a party. Now, I will probably be deep in the arms of sleep."

There are less bleary-eyed alternatives. There's 1:02 p.m., but Horkheimer said that's really 13:02 p.m. and doesn't really count.

Chester recommends celebrating universal time, the standard scientific time, which is four hours ahead of eastern daylight time. So 01-02-03-04-05-06 can be celebrated at 9:02 p.m. EDT by calling up the U.S. Naval Observatory's "master clock" then and waiting for the universal time pronouncement, he said. That number is 202-762-1401.

The clock is also on the web at:

For much of the world, especially Europe, this odd line-up of numbers doesn't really happen until next month. That's because many countries put the number of the day first, then the number of the month. So for many places, 01-02-03-04-05-06 happens at 1:02 a.m. May 4.

MMVI The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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