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Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Strikes Officer

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Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney strikes a Police Officer and she is not immediately arrested. While the congresswoman talks about racially motivated actions and "inappropriate touching", she walks free of charges. Why has this woman not been arrested? She struck a police officer, that fact is undisputed. Anybody else would have been already arrested and charged. The course that this story has taken is a slap in the face to police officers across the country. We as a public safety community should be outraged. I can only hope that Congresswoman McKinney is charged, as she would be in New York with a Class D Felony of Assault on Public Safety Officer.

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Ok sure charge her, but first what r u talking about? How about posting an article with info on the incident in question.

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I guess congresspeople are just better than everyone else. They deserve to have more rights than a police officer or anyone, they're above the law you know. [/sarcasm]

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I guess congresspeople are just better than everyone else. They deserve to have more rights than a police officer or anyone, they're above the law you know. [/sarcasm]

Without a doubt you are so correct. And how about this P.O. I hope that he is going to be fine and good luck to him and I hope that he has a say in what happens even though she is "free of charges".

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Associated Press 4-4-06

WASHINGTON - House Republicans pushed a resolution Tuesday commending the Capitol police force for professionalism after a confrontation between an officer and Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney.

"I don't think it's fair to attack the Capitol Police and I think it's time that we show our support for them," said Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., a sponsor of the measure. Ignoring a police officer's order to stop or hitting one "is never OK," McHenry said of the incident.

Last week, McKinney had an argument with a uniformed police officer as she sought to enter a House office building. The officer did not recognize her. She refused his order to stop and struck him.

McKinney says she took action in self defense after the officer "inappropriately touched" her.

A spokesman for the congresswoman did not immediately respond Tuesday to a reporter's request for comment on the GOP measure.

The six-term Georgia Democrat says the issue is not about whether to obey a police officer's order, whether she hit him or the fact that she was not wearing the lapel pin that identifies members of Congress.

Her lawyers have said that a series of confrontations between McKinney and U.S. Capitol and White House law enforcement officers who don't recognize her points to a pattern.

"The issue is racial profiling," McKinney, who is black, told CNN Monday.

The resolution being introduced Tuesday came as McKinney awaited a prosecutor's decision on whether to press any criminal charges against her. The Capitol Police on Monday sought an arrest warrant by turning over their investigation of the incident to U.S. Attorney Kenneth L. Wainstein.

The measure put forward Tuesday, which is co-sponsored by Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (news, bio, voting record), R-Fla., would not specifically mention McKinney or the confrontation, McHenry said.

Instead, sponsors said, it would commend the Capitol Police for their professionalism and recognize the challenge of protecting the vast Capitol campus from terrorism and other threats while keeping it open to tourists.

"Every day they exhibit honor, courtesy and professionalism," Diaz-Balart said in a statement.

McKinney says that has not been her experience. She says Capitol Police officers have a long history of failing to recognize her and asking for identification — a pattern she says is racist and in any case highlights a security problem in one of the most well-guarded buildings in the country.

McKinney has drawn little support from her House colleagues, particularly Democrats who are launching an election-year campaign that revolves around the party's commitment to national security.

Rep. Steny Hoyer (news, bio, voting record) of Maryland, the No. 2 Democrat in the House, said all lawmakers, staffers and visitors in the building have a responsiblity to obey Capitol Police officers. "I think we all should cooperate fully," he said.

Republicans have pounced on the opportunity to poke holes in Democratic security credentials. A spokesman for House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., pointed out that a Democratic lawmaker hitting an officer does not support the minority party's claim of commitment to security.

Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi called that argument "pathetic." Pelosi, of California, said she would not make a big deal of what she termed "a mistake" by an officer.

Her lawyer, James Myart Jr., issued a statement on Friday saying several members of Congress would join McKinney at a press conference on Friday at Howard University.

None did. D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton issued a statement of concern about the incident and urged the parties to come to an agreement. A spokesman for Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said he has no comment.

McHenry, who at 30 is the youngest member of Congress, said he is routinely stopped by Capitol Police and asked for identification.

"When I'm not wearing my pin, I am always stopped," McHenry said in a telephone interview. "I accept that as a due course of security."

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typical democrats think they can do what ever they want, people like Cynthia Mckinney are disgracful as is Nancy Pelosi, they are so quick to bash everyone and that is their style. The police officer was doing his job and congress woman McKinney has no right to assume racism on part of the police officer. When you are asked to produce ID just show the damn Id that is all you have to do.

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typical democrats think they can do what ever they want, people like  Cynthia Mckinney are disgracful as is Nancy Pelosi, they are so quick to bash  everyone and that is their style.  The police officer was doing his job and congress woman McKinney has no right to assume racism on part of the police officer.  When you are asked to produce ID just show the damn Id that is all you have to do.

Wow. That was perfect. Could not have said it better myself. Ted "what accident, sir" Kennedy and Screamin' Howie Dean also come to mind...

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Associated Press 4-4-06

McKinney has drawn little support from her House colleagues, particularly Democrats who are launching an election-year campaign that revolves around the party's commitment to national security.

McHenry, who at 30 is the youngest member of Congress, said he is routinely stopped by Capitol Police and asked for identification.

"When I'm not wearing my pin, I am always stopped," McHenry said in a telephone interview. "I accept that as a due course of security."

Forget race, political party, etc. She was clearly at fault and should be prosecuted. What would happen if any one of us hit a cop????


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It goes far beyond this. Its the fact that SHE WAS AT FAULT! She wasnt wearing her flipping ID for crying out loud! How can she expect a PO to remember the faces of all 500+ people in congress? This kind of crap really boils my blood, these are the people that are soposed to be looking out for us? To hell with that!

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Just a few facts about the U.S. Congress.

The 535 men and women (100 Senators and 435 Representatives) who comprise the United States Congress are the core of our democratic system — the people we elect (and pay) to represent us to our federal government and make the laws that regulate our society. We therefore somewhat unrealistically expect them to be paragons of virtue, selfless public servants dedicated to the task of making our country a better place for everyone, into whose heads the very thought of wrongdoing never intrudes.

That being said here are a few statistics about the U.S. Congress... the leaders that we elect and expect to represent us.

29 members of Congress have been accused of spousal abuse,

7 have been arrested for fraud,

19 have been accused of writing bad checks,

117 have bankrupted at least two businesses,

3 have been arrested for assault,

71 have credit reports so bad they can't qualify for a credit card,

14 have been arrested on drug-related charges,

8 have been arrested for shoplifting,

21 are current defendants in lawsuits,

P.S. - Truck 4 - Thanks for posting the article.

Edited by khas143

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Anyone catch the opening tonight to Saturday Night Live? They made fun of Her and basically called her crazy.

It's good to see people at SNL understand what she did was messed up.

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I don't understand why people are getting so hung up on the fact that she's a Democrat. I think it's pretty ignorant to say that this is typical Democrat behavior. Are people so naive to think that Republicans are saints??? The fact is that McKinney is a stupid person and I have no sympathy for people like her. She should be treated like any other American under the law and not expect special treatment. As first responders, we deal with stupid people day in and day out. We all know that they come from all walks of life, ethnicities, genders and political affiliations. In today's society, there are people who if they feel that they are mistreated will cry lawsuit or racial/gender profiling. We find ourselves at risk to the ravings of these idiots everytime we do our job. Not to mention the stigma many first responder agencies have from being labeled by certain groups as racist, sexist or somehow otherwise prejudiced. Saying that this is typical behavior of a particular political affiliate, gender or race only helps to magnify this stereotype (Steps off soapbox).

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