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LODD: New York State Trooper Craig Todeschini

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This Trooper was also a volunteer firefighter.

Rest in peace, Trooper Todeschini

State trooper killed in crash

Updated: 4/24/2006 2:33 PM

By: Narmeen Choudhury



A New York State police officer died in the line of duty while chasing a speeding motorcyclist.

Trooper Craig Todeschini, 25, of Geddes died when his police SUV hit a tree. Investigators say Todeschini was in pursuit of a motorcycle traveling at an extremely high rate of speed, above 100 miles per hour.

They were on Route 91 south bound near Cherry Street when the officer's car hit the tree around 6 p.m. Sunday. He died on impact.


State police who knew him describe Todaschini as a hard working officer.

“He’s a trooper’s trooper. Everybody that worked along side him had nothing but praise for him. He’s an honorable employee and just an honorable individual that took his job very seriously. He had a dedication that was just extraordinary in terms of responding to complaints, interviewing people. He had a compassion that was unsurpassed,†said NYS Police Captain Jeffrey Raub.

Todeschini is the second state trooper to die in the line of duty this year. He was a three year veteran of the department, and worked out of the Lafayette barracks.

The Solvay Fire Department is also grieving today. Todeschini was a volunteer firefighter there for five years.

Black bunting will cover the station's sign for 30 days. The flag is at half staff and Todeschini’s fire gear is also on display.

The department has 60 members. A former fire chief tells us the crew is like a family.

"It's a very difficult time. It's nothing fortunately we've had to deal with before. We gathered together last night and cried. We're going to deal with it the best we can. We'll continue on,†said Mark Zoanetti , former Solvay fire chief.

Zoanetti says the fire department is meeting with state police to set up a memorial fund for Todeschini's family.

Edited by EM2FD

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This Trooper was also a volunteer firefighter.

Rest in peace, Trooper Todeschini


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What makes this even worse is the Troopers wife was 8 months pregnant with their first child.

All this over some idiot on a motorcycle who thougt he could outrun the police.

Thoughts and prayers to this Troopers family, friends, and coworkers.

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thought and prayers for the family, I really hope they get the SOB!!

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My thoughts and prayers go to the family, the fire dept where he volunteered, and the State Police what a bad loss for all.

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My thoughts and prayers go out to Trooper Todeschini's family, friends, fellow firefighters, and the New York State Police.

Rest in peace.

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My thoughts and prayers go out to Trooper Todeschini's family, friends, fellow firefighters, and the New York State Police.

Rest in peace.


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What makes this even worse is the Troopers wife was 8 months pregnant with their first child.

All this over some idiot on a motorcycle who thougt he could outrun the police.

Thoughts and prayers to this Troopers family, friends, and coworkers.


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