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United 93 (The Movie)

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I know it does not come out until tomorrow (April 28), but we always get prereleases for everything up here at college. Anyway I watched it last night and I had very mixed feelings. I can tell you this and also ask you this; do not pay to see this movie, I know that some of the money is going towards the families of the victims, but this is just making some movie company rich. Some people may feel that it is wrong to watch it period and I completely understand why. It was a decent movie, but somethings are a little far fetched to give it a better plot.

Just my 2 cents

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know that some of the money is going towards the families of the victims, but this is just making some movie company rich.

i completely agree with you... i had mixed feelings when i saw the preview for this movie. maybe it's just me, but i felt like it was wrong to make a movie out of this and take in any profit from it even if they are giving some of it to the families.

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Well it could be the next "Gone With the Wind", i am not gonna see it. i think that i would rather think of the people on that plane in a mythic, larger then life way. by that i mean i want to think of them as "Good" over coming "Evil". your imagination is much better then fact. i compare it to how a child looks up to firemen, they seem unbreakable, almost inhuman. as you grow up you see they are just men and thats that. let people think about them in that way. Now i know the plot as we all do. i do know that on board were a all american football player, a Judo champion and i think some rugby players. now picture in your mind the amount of A$$ kicking this group could hand out. wouldn't you want to keep it that way? thats how i want to. so if you wanna see it, thats fine.

thats my 2 cents

Stay safe guys

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...  but i felt like it was wrong to make a movie out of this and take in any profit from it even if they are giving some of it to the families.

it should be more like ALL the profits should go to the fund.

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I absolutely refuse to see this movie. Yes, I am sure it shows the heroic struggle of the passengers on this flight, and promotes a sense of pride, but it also gives the terrorists what they want, in a sense.

You see, now the terrorists got their media coverage (yes, on top of everything else). Also, someone somewhere will be making money off of this deal. Whether or not anything goes to the families, or any memorial funds, I do not believe it is appropriate to make such a movie yet. Give it 10, 15 years before this subject should be made into a motion picture.

Like everyone is entitled to....this is just my two cents.

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