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What FDNY Units carry Extrication equipment?

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What FDNY Units carry extrication equipment?

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Add Haz Mat and the Tactical Support Units to that list as well.

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Add Haz Mat and the Tactical Support Units to that list as well.

do engines?

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Just to add, Haz Mat, if my memory serves me right, carries two full sets of extrication equipment. Tactical Support carries spreaders and cutters. Not sure if they carry anything more than that.

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Any companies do a great deal of extrication work?

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It depends on the situation. Sometimes they just need to pop a door open with a Halligan, or hyperextend it, and that doesn't get reported to us.

One of the things you hear a lot on the radio is reported pin jobs, but that's usually because when it's reported to PD, the call taker asks if anyone is trapped. The caller, not knowing any better,or wants to get help there faster by working the system, says the person isn't getting out of the car, so PD codes it as a pin job. 9 times out of 10, the units get there and it's property damage with injuries, or just property damage.

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I've often heard that ESU handles most pin jobs, only because they get the call first. Is this often the case?

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This is an ongoing problem. There are a number of reasons. The primary reason is that the computer dispatch system that FDNY uses is a piece of garbage. It is old, and slow, so there is a delay in FDNY getting turned out. Also, ESU has trucks on the road constantly, not parked in houses, so they do get the jump on FDNY. What's the solution?? Get me a computer assisted dispatch system that wasn't developed when 80 percent of our job was either in diapers or not even born yet. Solution number two, make any incident coded as a 10-53 I(accident with injuries) by NYPD, or MVAINJ by EMS an automatic 5-7 signal(Engine and Truck response) for Fire. The continuing rumor that pin jobs get held up by PD before it gets released to EMS and FD is a bunch of BS. There's really no proof of it, and if it gets done intentionally, someone is out of a job.

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I've often heard that ESU handles most pin jobs, only because they get the call first.  Is this often the case?

Not necessarily because they get the call first, but mainly because they are mobile and driving around on patrol in smaller vehicles.

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JBE, wouldn't it stand to reason that if the 911 calls come into PD first, that they would naturally put the call out to their units while notifying FD? Obviously once that happens, any ESU units in the area would get a jump on the call anyway. There's really no way to prevent it, for PD to hold back from dispatching their units right away would be irresponsible to say the least. It's just the nature of the beast. If the 911 calls came into FD and had to be transferred to PD, the results would be the opposite.

PS - Who cares who shows up first, as long as the job gets done right and everyone goes home safe.

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JBE, wouldn't it stand to reason that if the 911 calls come into PD first, that they would naturally put the call out to their units while notifying FD? Obviously once that happens, any ESU units in the area would get a jump on the call anyway. There's really no way to prevent it, for PD to hold back from dispatching their units right away would be irresponsible to say the least. It's just the nature of the beast. If the 911 calls came into FD and had to be transferred to PD, the results would be the opposite.

PS - Who cares who shows up first, as long as the job gets done right and everyone goes home safe.

For something like a 53Pin PD sends the same info to both SPRINT and StarFire at the same time, the only dispatch that is delayed is the EMS portion, since they gather more info on the call itself, however they also get sent the same info electronically at the same time the PD call taker routes FD.

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JBE, wouldn't it stand to reason that if the 911 calls come into PD first, that they would naturally put the call out to their units while notifying FD? Obviously once that happens, any ESU units in the area would get a jump on the call anyway. There's really no way to prevent it, for PD to hold back from dispatching their units right away would be irresponsible to say the least. It's just the nature of the beast. If the 911 calls came into FD and had to be transferred to PD, the results would be the opposite.

PS - Who cares who shows up first, as long as the job gets done right and everyone goes home safe.

No one is sugesting PD withhold dispatching their units. And with priority assignments the time it takes to transfer critical info from PD (who recieves all the 911 calls in NYC) to fire or ems is seconds. A few key strokes and you can send over the location and call type. You can all ways update as more info comes in.

And JBE...don't worry. Every dispatch problem will be solved once everyone dipatches from the same room as one big happy family. Rumor has it the next phase will require the three branches to actually sit in each others laps when dispatching calls to facilitate information sharing

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And JBE...don't worry. Every dispatch problem will be solved once everyone dipatches from the same room as one big happy family. Rumor has it the next phase will require the three branches to actually sit in each others laps when dispatching calls to facilitate information sharing

This is another story for another time. But I will leave you with my feeling on this.


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