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Firefighting essentials

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Hi, I was just wondering what other people think the essential tools are that a firefighter will need when they go out on a call, for example a structure fire, or MVA. I know I always carry a window punch, seatbelt cutter, latex gloves, and a survivor light. I'm just curious as to what everyone else has, or thinks they need.


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The above are good ones. Especially the cool head.

I also carry...

Fence pliers - can be a hammer, wire cutter, pliers, pick, gas shut-off or window punch.

An old flat-head screwdriver- and a piece of rubber tube stuck on the end to prevent stabbing myself with it

Leather work gloves - for extrication. Ear plugs (for dealing with the chief).

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Also, a good trick, is, if you can, get separate pouches to carry things in.

For structural firefighting, you can have a few small tools to help you survive, such as linemans pliers to cut through anything that snags you, small length of webbing rolled up, or whatever else you deem necessary.

For MVAs, you can keep pliers for batteries, window punches, seatbelt cutters, etc...

This way, you can carry only what you need for a specific call, and not worry about weighing yourself down with useless items. Also, for the next call, if it is different, all you have to do is switch pouches.

I have been known to, on the way to a working fire, run through my bunker pockets and pull out all the useless s**t that I had collected, and would just interfere with any operations inside.

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Besides the common sense cool open mind..

I like to have just the basics, I carry a multi-tool that was in galls.

Don't forget that the rigs your riding on should have it if you don't.

When you get off the rig grab what you might need before you enter the senerio.

If your not prepared it might take you longer to get the situation under control.

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Many things listed above are good. My must have list is: Door chocks, Bail out rope, Survivor light, and a radio. Remember, you should always have 2 lights. I have a survivor light on my coat as a back up, but I always take a show-me light from the rig.

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