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The end of Empire state????

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rumor has it that Empire State lost their ALS and is loosing BLS contracts left and right.....anyone know specifics??

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It's probably only temporary. A few weeks ago Richard Robinson from NYS-DOH inspected Empire Ambulance in the process of reviewing ALL ambulance operations in NYS (If you haven't been checked yet, you WILL eventually so be ready). While being inspected there were several issues found involving the Narcotics policy and handling. The medical director was summoned and thier narcotics capability was pulled. I do not know if this resulted in thier ALS being pulled or not, but I do know that they have been running all BLS for several (three to four) weeks. They are due to have a meeting with the Hudson Valley region to decide on what happens next. Westchester is expected to follow whatever decision is made by HVREMAC/HVREMSCO. I don't expect that they will loose thier ALS abilities permanently as it was a minor infraction (relatively, no narcs were lost or misappropriated). I can't speak for what the contracts want to do, but I know several facilities from the north have been contacting other agencies to begin duscussions about alternative coverage. I don't know if the REMAC/REMSCO meeting has already taken place. It SHOULD be a matter of public record so calling the region direct for an answer MIGHT yield some results.

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Well, as of tonight they have thier ALS back up and running (dunno when exactly it happened, but medics are back online with ALS gear instead of running BLS). As for loosing contracts left and right, every commercial agency has thier fair share of problems.

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very true...i just hate rumors so i wanted to find out what was really going on

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maybe they might learn how to drive the ambulances while they are out of service! on a daily basis they go flying down rte 6,the bear mtn pkwy, rte 9a to the va with lights n sirens blaring,one night i got cut off by one of the units and i had my kids in the car,i followed them to the VA and questioned if this response was an emergency and the medic said yes,if it was an emergency ccvac would have been there! anyway, they fly all around the county on non emerency calls,get out of the way when empire is on the road!

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Unfortunatly they are not the only culprits who abuse lights and sirens.

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Hudson, you mean your not supposed to that when performing a BLS shuck run?

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If you ask me, if a medic was on the call you are taking to the hospital, and s/he deems it to be BLS, there ishould be NO reason that the ambulance needs to go lights and sirens to the hospital. I may accept secondary warnings to advise drivers of an exceptionally slow ride if oyu are transporting someone in back spasm or the like. It drives me nuts when I get to a call, it's BS, I turf it off, and the ambulance races away from the scene with lights and sirens blazing. Thats just stupid.

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LOL, if its an ambulance out of a fire department, they are probably trying to make it back without missing a call LOL

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You want to know what the real problem in this "business" is......people forget where their roots come from. Im am not talking about anyone on this board or anyone in particular. Why is everyone so worried about getting back to HQ to watch tv and getting caught up in the politics of being paid or not......back when EMS was started none of this went on. People VOLUNTEERED their time to help others. Granted there are ups and downs to this business but that happens everywhere. Why do we knock the Vollies .... why do we knock the paid??? We are all in it for the same reason and I personally hate it when people sit around and complain about other people in this business, your not going to like everyone. Get over it! Paid or not, No one is better then the other...maybe when it comes to training and expierence, yes some are better then others.....but why does everyone seem to forget the real reason we are all doing this??? We do it to help people. People need to forget about all the politics and fighting for one second and remember the real reason we are all here. Sorry needed to rant i feel better now

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All valid points EMSWhiteCloud. Sometimes those we help forget why we do it. As far as paid vs. volunteer, which I am not going to delve in deeply. For me it comes down to this, response time. Why we accept a delay in a emergency vehicle responding makes absolutely no sense to me.

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All valid points EMSWhiteCloud.  Sometimes those we help forget why we do it.  As far as paid vs. volunteer, which I am not going to delve in deeply.  For me it comes down to this, response time.  Why we accept a delay in a emergency vehicle responding makes absolutely no sense to me.

I agree all valid points. As to ALS comment in these small towns in any county, it would be cost prohibitive to run paid Fire and EMS. Taxes are too high as it is which is a whole matter in itself. Having all full time paid services would be best, but it's a DREAM we all have.

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Well I recently heard that Empire State Ambulance lost both ALS ans BLS from Hudson Valley Hospital. Both a reliable source states that they got a contract to work out of St. Francis Hospital. But we all know how they do business. It's most expected that in a couple of months Empire would fold and go under.

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Saw them THREE TIMES yesterday driving like maniacs.

Route 9 North once.

Route 9 South once.

Albany Post Road / Route 9A north another time.

All three times with lights and sirens. The time I saw them on 9 SB I was traveling along at 75 and got passed....

Is this good for the patient in the back, god forbid they crash?

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Saw them THREE TIMES yesterday driving like maniacs.

Only three? It's a daily occurance in Somers. Not too mention their tendency to blow fire police lines when were operating at MVA's.

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Guess it was a emergency shuck run from the Croton/Ossining/Springvale nursing homes. Top priority! And some of them get upset that I don't even give them a wave as they drive by my station.

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You don't wave? I wave. I may not use all my fingers, but I wave. 8-[

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You don't wave? I wave. I may not use all my fingers, but I wave.  8-[


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Difference is WAS, I just laugh as you drive by and wave. Besides its not much fun being I know you know what I could do with that finger.... :twisted:

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I wasn't waving at YOU. I mean waving at THEM! You think I'm stupid enough to wave like THAT to an ex-Marine who, as you said, could probably bend that finger fifty ways that weren't meant to be? PDT_Armataz_23

PS....nice icons EMTBRavo..... :D

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