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Colebrook fire chief faces Internet sex charges

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Colebrook fire chief faces Internet sex charges

Colebrook fire chief faces Internet sex charges - by Bob Wilson

John Boutin

by News Channel 8's Bob Wilson

Posted Feb. 28, 2007

Updated 11:55 PM

(Farmington-WTNH) _ The man in charge at Colebrook's volunteer fire department faces charge of soliciting a 14-year-old boy for sex.

Farmington police made the arrest on Route 4 in the center of Unionville. Investigators say they had been posing as a 14-year-old boy in the chat rooms when Colebrook Fire Chief John Boutin, 49, started making sexual advances at the undercover agent.

"The suspect contacted who he believed to be the 14 year old boy and asked for a meeting at a local restaurant to have sex," Lt. William Tyler said.

"He was pretty clear what he wanted online?

"He was quite explicit."

"Did he send any photos of himself?"

"Yes, he did send one photo of himself which aided in the arrest."

Police say the fire chief showed up at the attempted sexual rendezvous driving a state vehicle. While Boutin is a volunteer chief for Colebrook, he is an employee of the Department of Transportation.

Police say the chief used a fire department computer to hunt children on the Internet. They had to come in and seize one of the computers as evidence.

"The gentleman was charged with criminal attempt to commit sex assault second degree. enticement of a minor with a computer, and risk of injury to a minor," Lt. Tyler said.

Boutin posted $100,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court March 6th.


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Innocent until proven guilty... but if found guilty find a tall tree and get a short rope. Large YMCA camp, "Camp Jewel" is located in Colebrook, makes you wonder?

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Another black eye

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I wonder if Chris Hanson from Dateline: To catch a predator was there?

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It's unfortunate that the fire department is being dragged into this. I guess that makes the story sound even better, but the fire department doesn't deserve to be associated with allegations of pedophilia.

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It's unfortunate that the fire department is being dragged into this.  I guess that makes the story sound even better, but the fire department doesn't deserve to be associated with allegations of pedophilia.

he was using a department pc but its sad, that the dept has to be brought into this. it gives a big black eye to the dept and the rest of the fire service

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Innocent until proven guilty... but if found guilty find a tall tree and get a short rope.  Large YMCA camp, "Camp Jewel" is located in Colebrook,  makes you wonder?

Camp Jewel is right there

I have a lot of friends that work at that camp and I worked at that camp two summers ago and i will again this summer

I will find out what is going on with my friends up there what really is going on

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Yes the fire department computer is aleged to have been used. However, how many of us use these computers for a variety of things. If I do a whole bunch of shopping on the internet, and overrun my credit cards, there will likely be no mention of the fire department in any procedings with my credit. That's becasue it wouldn't really be all that interesting. Sadly, Fire Chief caught in Sex Scandal sells papers and attracts TV viewers.

As I have said in other posts, I strongly believe in everyone being Inocent until proven guilty, and I hope for the best outcome for this chief, his family and the fire department. If he is guilty, this should serve as a reminder that firehouse computers do belong to the firehouse, and we probably should do anything on the FD computers that we wouldn't want someone else doing on our own personal home computers. When you are involved with public safety like we have all chosen to, we have to remember that what we do, WILL reflect back on our agencies.

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Yes the fire department computer is aleged to have been used. However, how many of us use these computers for a variety of things. If I do a whole bunch of shopping on the internet, and overrun my credit cards, there will likely be no mention of the fire department in any procedings with my credit. That's becasue it wouldn't really be all that interesting. Sadly, Fire Chief caught in Sex Scandal sells papers and attracts TV viewers.

If he is guilty, this should serve as a reminder that firehouse computers do belong to the firehouse, and we probably should do anything on the FD computers that we wouldn't want someone else doing on our own personal home computers. When you are involved with public safety like we have all chosen to, we have to remember that what we do, WILL reflect back on our agencies.

If you overrun your credit cards you're not a criminal (the action is civil) and you're not endangering the live/well-being of a child. If you do that while on the FD's computer that's an administrative matter between you and the department. However in this case, the computer was used to facilitate the crime so it is relevant and could very likely have been seized as evidence. That he is a fire chief and state employee is a part of the story - especially since he used the FD computer and state vehicle in the commission of this crime.

Yes, it is a black eye for the fire service. Just like every story about a cop getting arrested for something is a black eye for law enforcement. We are held to a higher standard and will be portrayed as guilty until proven innocent by the media and often the public because of our positions in public service.

I don't think the fact that he's a fire chief is what made this such a big deal - I've seen plenty of stories about people from all walks of life being arrested for such charges and it is a big deal no matter what they do. It makes me as a parent that much more cautious (OK, maybe paranoid) and reminds me how important it is to safeguard children in this day and age.

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This is the second fire chief in the state to be arrested on criminal charges. They are just like other people who commit criminal acts but unfortunately, they area in charge of a group of people who are to protect the citizens of their districts and now have unfortunately broke their trust.

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This is the second fire chief in the state to be arrested on criminal charges.  They are just like other people who commit criminal acts but unfortunately, they area in charge of a group of people who are to protect the citizens of their districts and now have unfortunately broke their trust.

A recent post metioned Chris Hansen and the show that was done to catch these perps. Remember many of the occupations some of them had....homeland security cop, rabbi, navy petty officer, army sergeant, teacher to name a few. There were cases here in Westchester years back involving public serveants and young kids. What is frightening is over a period of 2 nights of the show in San Diego 55 "men" were arrested. Thats 55 in one city in 2 nights. Imagine nationwide what the stats are and these were those who were caught.

I am a parent of a 14 year old and just want to say watch your kids and thier activity on the computer.

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Chris192 You hit the nail right on the head!

BFD182 This is not a sex scandle. It is a case of alledged sexual assult of a CHILD. Huge difference!

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It looks as if the press thinks that exposing a Volunteer FF will sell more papers than listing him a state employee.

Either way , guilty he is a d bag , and if innocent then his life is destroyed after what was reported.

I have seen the " Black eye" topics on this site, but I think everyone here knows how many FF's are out there (volly or pro) and I think the number of us outway the few stories that emerge every once in a while.

I would love to see the percentage of d bags verses the good folk, I bet it is very low. ( I know it is very low).


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I don't know how exposing a "volunteer" FF will sell more papers, he was a firefighter and even worse a Chief whom is supposed to be a manager and "leader." The fact that he was a chief usually commands some degree of higher respect which can make it worse. Just like Chris said, if its a police officer you will see it. Soldier you will see it. Marine, definately will see it. Why? Because of the respect such a title holds to be above and beyond much of the BS of soceity. Is it at all possible, generally no there is always that 10%, however the public deems us to have to be above moral, ethical, legal stadards and public/soceital perception.

I've said this time and time again, whether you like it or not, whether you want to be or not, you are a role model. People look at you and you are a direct reflection of not only yourself, your department but all of the fire service. So think of that the next time you are wearing a fire service t-shirt, sweatshirt, jacket or hat and are acting either like a goofball, idiot or being criminal. If you don't want that responsibility or want to take it serious...stop wearing them. Remember just because its free you don't have to wear it, no one held a gun to your head to join and no one really cares what you do. If you have any issues about it, join the Elks club.

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