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Member "YFD" Banned, Threads Missing

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You may have noticed some threads that were here last night, but gone this morning.

A NEW member by the handle of "YFD", had, despite warnings, "spammed" the forum with a number of different topics. This, in itself, is against forum rules because posting a number of threads and posts in a short timeframe distracts from other members threads and posts by flooding them out.

One of the issues was that he was using other peoples photos from other sites, without their permission, or without giving them credit. This includes from sites where using photos elsewhre is made clear.

Addiitonally, we strongly have suspected this member had been using false credentials to identify himself as part of Yonkers FD, as described in his profile. We were looking into it a couple of days ago, but got sidetracked. He got verified by using the name of a fictious/real Yonkers FF. He also was very slick in how he did it, and his behavior made it quite obvious he wasn't who he said he was.

This morning, the evidence was clear, the member was banner, and all of his topics (should) be removed.

Any member trying to represent or even trying to sound like they are affiliated with any agency that they have no affiliation with will be banned.

This member made it clear he was a child with his behavior. We have to police ourselves on this fourm, so anyone who notices anything fishy, please advise me or Truck4 ASAP.

We apologize for any incovience. I don't usually make moderation matters such as this public, but since "YFD" was such a presence in his short time , I felt the members deserved an explanation. I'm also upset this member wasted my time having to deal with his behavior and it's aftermath when I could have been doing other things.


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Good Job EMTBRAVO! I had my suspicions about this guy last night when I was reading his posts. He seemed a little skeptical. That's the way to Police yourselves! wink.gif

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I read one of his posts. The subject was nothing new, and his grammar was abominable. That's usually a tip-off that it's a kid.

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