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The Keyboard Coward: Comments On My Blog

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Read this posting on my blog:

Please note I will not discuss the particulars of the accident or my specific injures on this forum or via PM/email. Those who need to know know. I'm not trying to his anything, but it is personal information that I don't care to share.

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You know sometimes you just have to vent.

Hang in there. Good luck with your continued recovery.

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Good Luck I hope your recovery is going well, Do not let people get too you , Just so you know Gina and I had a few nay sayers and people spreading rumors about us, when Jimmy was going threw his battle.

There is always some in every bunch, Do not ask why, Just keep a stiff lip and keep moving forward, if the Negative people could take that energy and make it positive the world could be a better place.

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Don’t let this guy get you down. i have had the pleasure of working with you and know you love the job, and work hard to become a better firefighter. It is also clear that you are doing your best to get back to work. Your activities are more than likely helping your recovery by keeping you focused and keeping your mind busy. I don’t know this person, but I can assure you that it is people like him, NOT YOU, that make the service look bad. Get well soon,


Edited by eng158

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Guys, if you could also post your comments on my blog for that entry it would be appreciated

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Seth, don't let some jagoff get you down. I found that the people that have to put others down is just lashing out because they haven't accomplished anything in life. I have friends on FDNY and they are the most under the radar kinda guys. Don't brag or boast unless their with other firefighters just ball breaking each other. I know a volly Asst Chief that got hired by a slow paid dept and just boasts to everyone how great he is because he's paid. There are people that do the job because they love it & others do it for ego. So just worry about getting better & getting back to work. In the future, could you please stay away from any open holes/ditches? It sucks not having you around.

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This guys a MUTT! Up our way we would defineately label him a BIFF and he'd quickly learn not ot burn other brother's!! You've done great things here and we all know you want to get back to the job.

Hang in there Brother!!

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dont worry pal some people just like to stir the pot. you can't get along with every one, just grin and bare it, thats what I do. p.s. good luck with your recovery

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You just have to ignore D**** like that it's like ja3kfd said there's a few in every crowd just ignore them. Good luck on a speedy recovery.

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