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FAST- Should They Go To Work?

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antiquefirelt is absolutely right.

No one has 12 man FASTeams standing-by. The idea is that while the FASTeam is operating the next level of support can be organized and put into to place. With a 2 man team you just have to be on your game a little sooner.

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I think we need to decide on what "put to work" means. I don't agree with putting them on a line, having them on air or on any task they can't drop at any moment.

I do think the RIT/FAST can be proactive:

Removing bars on windows

throwing ground ladders for upper floor egress

taking door or ensuring proper egress points are available.

These tasks should be second to a RIT/FAST size-up and tool caching. But these tasks can prevent the RIT/FAST from being activated for trapped firefighters.

These ARE all things a FAST already is supposed to do at the scene. You are supposed to make sure there are egress points on all exposures and that all hazards are clear as you do your size up, than stand-by near the command post. Atleast that is what our county team does.

NO FAST team should ever be used for "Manpower" EVER. They are there for a purpose. Call Mutual aid.

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