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Lumber Arrangements

8 posts in this topic

I'm curious, as usual.

How many tech rescue teams have arrangements and/or keys to their local or nearby Home Depot/Lowes or local lumberyard for access to lumber when they are closed?

I've heard of this practice in other areas of the country, most specifically the Los Angeles City and Los Angeles County FD's USAR teams, but would like to know if exists here?

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Every Fire Apparatus has a Key (IRONS) haha

Seriously, this is a good topic. What do you do at 2 AM and

you need lumber?

I do know of one Fire Department here in Westchester that does have

keys to a local store and it's a very good idea.

As for Big stores like Home Depot, Etc... Maybe the local Police

can call the alarm company and get a key holder to come open

up in an Emergency?

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Why wait...


By ordinance, we require them on EVERY commercial structure that has a monitored alarm system. Even on false alarms, we are in and out before the occupant/owner ever arrives in the middle of the night. All acces keys/codes/etc for the property are in the box for FD usage.

While the local HD is in the next town over, they too utilize the Knox entry system.

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Why wait...


By ordinance, we require them on EVERY commercial structure that has a monitored alarm system.  Even on false alarms, we are in and out before the occupant/owner ever arrives in the middle of the night.  All acces keys/codes/etc for the property are in the box for FD usage.

While the local HD is in the next town over, they too utilize the Knox entry system.

In my jurisdiction, we have a knox box program on every commercial and most OMD structures. However, I don't think having one entitles you to take merchandise without approval or prearrangment.

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Here in Harrison we have a prearrangment with Port Chester Lumber on Halstead Ave.

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I'm not very familiar with tech rescue...what would the lumber be used for?

Edited by OoO

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However, I don't think having one entitles you to take merchandise without approval or prearrangment

Yes you are absolutely correct. I took that issue for granted. Anything less would be a violation of trust in terms of getting property owners to install and maintain the systems in the first place. I think in the 15 years or so that I have worked with the Knox stuff, we've only opened 2 buildings for issues not related to a fire alarm in that particular building. Once was for a stupid burgular rescue in a bank and the second to use a school for a staging facility during an emergency. It is more the exception rather then the norm.

...what would the lumber be used for?

Cribbing, shoring, bracing, etc.

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In Rockland, we have an agreement with the two Home Depots, the Lowes, and a five branch lumber yard for lumber, tools etc. The lumber yard is our best source, as some of the members of RRTRT work there and have 24 hour access!

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