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Clueless drivers on the road

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I didn't want to start another thread but since I sat hear and started thinking about this I know that I am not the only one that feels this way. Have any of you actually written down a License Plate Number of drivers that either pull to the left, stop in the lane they are in whey you are behind them or just simply don't get out of the way because they don't hear the sirens. I try and write down plate numbers and if the person annoyed me enough I will run it and attempt to call them and give them a piece of my mind. All of these new cars are sound proof on the inside and some of us do listen to music loud enough that we can't hear the sirens. I am always looking in my mirrors. About every 3 sec. That is just me. I figured this may piss some of you off as well. I wish I had a special ray gun sometimes to make these people disappear.

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I didn't want to start another thread but since I sat hear and started thinking about this I know that I am not the only one that feels this way. Have any of you actually written down a License Plate Number of drivers that either pull to the left, stop in the lane they are in whey you are behind them or just simply don't get out of the way because they don't hear the sirens. I try and write down plate numbers and if the person annoyed me enough I will run it and attempt to call them and give them a piece of my mind. All of these new cars are sound proof on the inside and some of us do listen to music loud enough that we can't hear the sirens. I am always looking in my mirrors. About every 3 sec. That is just me. I figured this may piss some of you off as well. I wish I had a special ray gun sometimes to make these people disappear.

lol ray gun.

If i'm on my way to a call or transporting a pt which requires code 3, i'm always too busy checking my mirrors and the traffic in front so that i can safely traverse the road. Unless there was a serious, serious issue i'm not going to waste my effort on someone who isn't going to listen or change.

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I didn't want to start another thread but since I sat hear and started thinking about this I know that I am not the only one that feels this way. Have any of you actually written down a License Plate Number of drivers that either pull to the left, stop in the lane they are in whey you are behind them or just simply don't get out of the way because they don't hear the sirens. I try and write down plate numbers and if the person annoyed me enough I will run it and attempt to call them and give them a piece of my mind. All of these new cars are sound proof on the inside and some of us do listen to music loud enough that we can't hear the sirens. I am always looking in my mirrors. About every 3 sec. That is just me. I figured this may piss some of you off as well. I wish I had a special ray gun sometimes to make these people disappear.

I worked in a gas station over 25 years ago, and even then I learned one thing real fast:

The American motoring public, is about the dumbest part of our population, and that is backed up by 44 years in the Fire Service,

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I worked in a gas station over 25 years ago, and even then I learned one thing real fast:

The American motoring public, is about the dumbest part of our population, and that is backed up by 44 years in the Fire Service,

I will agree with that. I also worked in a gas station for about 5 yrs, and I saw some drivers do things that just scared me and made me wonder how half of the drivers out there even got a license. Some drivers are just plain old dumb.

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I worked at a car wash in college. Amazing the cap I saw drivers do. I would love to record plate numbers. I'd even go through the effort of calling everyone every day at the end of my tour, but sadly I am without access to that info. Interested in helping??

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I believe that all rescue vehicles should have a large cannon mounted on the roof. All we have to do is shoot 1 car. Show it on televison on all networks. Have the media go nuts telling everyone that now fire trucks and ambulances are armed with these cannons.

The rest of the time, we'll just shoot blanks. People will hear the cannons going off and they will pull right over and get out of the way.

Remember you heard it here first, and if I can work the logicistics out you'll see it in a Galls catalog soon.. laugh.gif

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Forget defensive driving (optional should be manadatory to begin with)

Forget the 5 hour course

and Forget learning with parents that already have these tendencies

All Driving students should have to go through an EVOC type course. This teaches you to be more aware of your surroundings and such. Call it HTDYC or How to Drive Your Car!

Even if someone does it once they will learn a lot!

Oh yeah, and to all of our LE guys...don't feel guilty for providing someone with a driver review...Yes, it is paperwork, but we all thank you for trying to get some of the ones who really can't drive off of the road!

Keep up the good work!

Stay Alert, Stay Aware, Stay ALIVE!

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Something happens to people when they get behind the wheel of their car. It's as if someone pressed the "Stupid button." That's why we have to slow down a little. Figure out what the driving public can do to get in our way and figure they'll do it.

A little while ago driving to an alarm I got passed by a car while I was driving lights and siren.

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I was also a Petroleum Transfer Engineer

during High School. tongue.gif

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I believe that all rescue vehicles should have a large cannon mounted on the roof. All we have to do is shoot 1 car. Show it on televison on all networks. Have the media go nuts telling everyone that now fire trucks and ambulances are armed with these cannons.

The rest of the time, we'll just shoot blanks. People will hear the cannons going off and they will pull right over and get out of the way.

Remember you heard it here first, and if I can work the logicistics out you'll see it in a Galls catalog soon..  laugh.gif

Just be sure to replace the siren with the 1812 Overture, or "For those about to Rock" by AC/DC

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You can give the siren rumblers a try lol.

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well we should all know that lights and sirens scare the sh*t out of motorists in front of you, so just keep your distance...don't tailgate.

also, as oneeyedmic are now sound proof. if your a loser like me, i read studies on electric sirens vs. the Q siren. the Q siren actually penetrates @ approx 120mph whereas electric sirens only penetrate at 50 mph. that’s why i believe, now more than ever the Q siren should be on emergency vehicles, because it can penetrate these “soundproof†cars better, so they can effectively hear you from a safe distance. But that could be for another topic…back to the topic, you’re all right, people are f*ckin stupid! ohmy.gif

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And stop worrying about teaching people to parallel park! Get them to learn how to use a vehicle for something other than a living or dinning room. Turn the music down or you will be deaf by 25

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well we should all know that lights and sirens scare the sh*t out of motorists in front of you, so just keep your distance...don't tailgate. 

also, as oneeyedmic are now sound proof.  if your a loser like me, i read studies on electric sirens vs. the Q siren.  the Q siren actually penetrates @ approx 120mph whereas electric sirens only penetrate at 50 mph.  that’s why i believe, now more than ever the Q siren should be on emergency vehicles, because it can penetrate these “soundproof” cars better, so they can effectively hear you from a safe distance.  But that could be for another topic…back to the topic, you’re all right, people are f*ckin stupid!  ohmy.gif

A while ago there was an interesting thread about everyone's favorite "stupid driver tricks". The motoring public by and large is moronic but the absolute worst is the NYC "weekend" driver who only pulls their car out of the NYC parking garage to cruise upstate for a scenic tour - usually in the left lane of the TSP at 40 MPH.

If you make the sirens louder, they'll only make the cars more soundproof so what's the point. We should all carry a big bag of marbles and just pelt them as we pass!!! The dings will be more annoying than a ticket or earful of crap anyway... cool.gif

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lol marbles! i'll put it in the budget next year!

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A while ago there was an interesting thread about everyone's favorite "stupid driver tricks".  The motoring public by and large is moronic but the absolute worst is the NYC "weekend" driver who only pulls their car out of the NYC parking garage to cruise upstate for a scenic tour - usually in the left lane of the TSP at 40 MPH.

If you make the sirens louder, they'll only make the cars more soundproof so what's the point.  We should all carry a big bag of marbles and just pelt them as we pass!!!  The dings will be more annoying than a ticket or earful of crap anyway...    cool.gif

Why not just toss at them Dog S***? Sure it would stink and I thnink it would get the message across. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to compress dog s*** into a paintball and have a turret mounted on the roof like kilroypollux's idea, except with compressed dog sh!t balls! Coming to a store near you! biggrin.gif


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You can carry the dog s&*%...and you can throw it too...but I ain't carrying nothing that smells that bad in a rig! Good luck!

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A while ago there was an interesting thread about everyone's favorite "stupid driver tricks".  The motoring public by and large is moronic but the absolute worst is the NYC "weekend" driver who only pulls their car out of the NYC parking garage to cruise upstate for a scenic tour - usually in the left lane of the TSP at 40 MPH.

If you make the sirens louder, they'll only make the cars more soundproof so what's the point.  We should all carry a big bag of marbles and just pelt them as we pass!!!  The dings will be more annoying than a ticket or earful of crap anyway...    cool.gif

Chris, 40 in the left lane isn't a problem.. people are driving 90 around them and never look back.

How about instructions to use the left, right, and/or rearview mirror.. they cant get out of the way unless they realize you are behind them...

I drove in my POV to a call, and can honestly say the person in front of me never used any of the mirrors and judging from the condition of their car, they weren't looking out the windows much either...

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Chris, 40 in the left lane isn't a problem..  people are driving 90 around them and never look back.

How about instructions to use the left, right, and/or rearview mirror.. they cant get out of the way unless they realize you are behind them... 

I drove in my POV to a call, and can honestly say the person in front of me never used any of the mirrors and judging from the condition of their car, they weren't looking out the windows much either...

40 in the left lane is one of my pet peeves - if these rolling roadblocks just MOVED OVER then the lunatics that want to do 90 or more could just zip down the left lane to get bagged by ONEEYEMEDIC and others! They wouldn't have to weave around and almost kill the people minding their business.

Oh well...

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What I hate even more is the eye in the sky distracting drivers! OOOPs.

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My dept. was responding to an mva today going to Rt 9D & I 84 when my rescue passed me there was a car five feet from the tail board. I caught up to it to get the tag a minute later my rescue was passing a pick up with a trailer that pulled over, as the rescue passed the pick up began to move back into traffic and the idiot in the car almost caused a multi car accident because they just missed by inches rear ending the trailer. So I called it in to 911....not that they were caught or anything. (Not being mad.gif prejudice but it was a female driver)

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My answer is who gives a $hit. Its only going to happen time and time again. I'll still get there, alive and life is entirely too short for me to worry about such mundane things. I request the right of way and if they don't yield it, I could care less.

If they pull to the left...who least they pulled somewhere. Perhaps its someone who just simply got nervous and did anyone think that when this happens it might just be YOUR driving "technique" that caused this in the first place?

If they can't "hear" the siren how is that their fault either? I know of many cars where they are so well constructed that you can barely hear a siren until a vehicle is fairly close. How do I know this? Because I own one and I'm too old to pump music anymore.

Good vent session and I do get it and I was once with you. I'm at that phase where it is what it is and they don't control my emotions and BP...I do.

And remember CANCER SUCKS!

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What I hate even more is the eye in the sky distracting drivers!  OOOPs.

Wait 'til we get our roto-ray installed!

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Make the sirens louder so when I go deaf and sue Whelan I can get more money. I can't hear a thing when people are right next to me but from across a room I can hear everything. I think that is all because of sirens or maybe I just don't give a sh*t about what people are saying next to me. LOL

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