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Does this pose a threat to us?

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from CNN

Militant: 'Those who cure you will kill you'

An Iraqi militant said to be close to al Qaeda allegedly warned a British cleric: "Those who cure you will kill you." The warning -- or threat -- is now taking on new meaning after last week's UK terror plot, believed to have been hatched by health professionals. full story

do you think this threat can happen here?

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Sure it could happen here. Even the best intelligence cant find everything out. I take sastifaction in knowing that the government has taken huge steps in anti-terrorism intelligence and protection. The new and improved Department of Homeland Security seems to be woking very hard for the Nations security. I also feel comfortable in knowing that the Nation as a whole is much better prepared should something happen. I am not saying we are perfect, we do need to continue to improve our security measures and defenses. Post 9/11, agencies everywhere promoted terrorist awareness and provided training at all levels. Many agencies across the Nation have benefited from Homeland Security Grant money and applied those funds to training and equipment to be better prepared for an incident. In summary our Government has vastly improved intelligence, awareness, training, and equipment - however no one can be certain "it wouln't happen to us".

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It can happen anywhere at anytime. That is the most important thing to remember. If you see something, say something! None of the Western (Christian) world is immune!

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One of the main things to remember is that it takes money to fund these operations. If you can establish that money is being sent from the U.S. back to the home countries of Dr.'s and other professionals, for the purpose of destroying our way of life, prosecution of those involved will serve as a major blow to future events. The ACLU tries to tie our hands regarding the rights of these individuals, without the foresight or common sense to learn from the past. Just my opinion...

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it could happen here.that is why we must always be on the alert

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To echo somewhat things that have been posted, anything and anyone can be a threat anymore. No matter how much investigating is done, as long as someone hides their ideologies and beliefs, you cannot identify them as a threat until they do or say something that brings them to the forefront. We as first responders are part of the first line of defense and must remain vigilant at all times.

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This does bring home the concept that terrorists are not just a buch of wack jobs or bored students. These were professional men. It is a stark reminder that as other have said before me, ANYTHING or ANYONE can be a threat at ANYTIME. We all need to be just a bit more vigilant, while trying our best to maintain a normal lifestyle, because disruption of the norm is the main goal of our enemy here, death and destruction are little more than tools for them to use as they seek to end our way of life.

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