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Brewster Annual Parade

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This year's parade has moved up one day to Wednesday July 25th. Should be a large parade with a lot of Fire and Ems as well.

Hope to some EMTBravo memebers there.

Edited by DADAY

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I think it is wednesday july 25. Hopefully its a great night for everyone

Edited by jblazing56

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Weather and other things permitting, I'll be there.

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Pictures will be up tomorrow night. I got about 30 rigs total, woulda had a few more if some people didn't wander into my shots, or the rigs were moving a little too fast.

Thank you to ff274 and Mrs. ff274 for the cold refreshment even though half of it ended up on my sneakers.

Maybe it's me, and maybe it's because I haven't been to one of these things since I left Lake Carmel in 1998. I was amazed at how few members I saw marching. I can understand smaller departments having fewer people, but I can remember in my Explorer days, and even the last few years I was in Lake Carmel, there were departments that fielded nearly 30 plus for EVERY Parade. Sign of the times, I suppose.

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Pictures will be up tomorrow night. I got about 30 rigs total, woulda had a few more if some people didn't wander into my shots, or the rigs were moving a little too fast.

Thank you to ff274 and Mrs. ff274 for the cold refreshment even though half of it ended up on my sneakers.

Maybe it's me, and maybe it's because I haven't been to one of these things since I left Lake Carmel in 1998. I was amazed at how few members I saw marching. I can understand smaller departments having fewer people, but I can remember in my Explorer days, and even the last few years I was in Lake Carmel, there were departments that fielded nearly 30 plus for EVERY Parade. Sign of the times, I suppose.

Sad but true I think. Now it seems EVERY parade is how you saw it tonight. There are some Departments though that still present a good turn-out but it is always the same ones. I guess people just don't have the time anymore. Jobs, both parents working etc.... One day hopefully it will turn back around. I thought 9/11 might have done it.

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Now that it's done for another year, Who won which trophy?

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Ball Pond/New Fairfield Tanker 18 won Best Tanker for our lime green 2005 Pierce/Freightliner 1850gal square tanker.

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Bethel CT Members had a great time. Hope to see everyone in Bedford on Friday!

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Patience Folks, I'm cropping pix right now. I should have them ready in a little while.

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When did Brewster get a police force???


Or for that matter, when did PCSO need motorcycles??


OK Here we go.

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DSCF4148.jpg 11-4-2

DSCF4151.jpg 11-8-1

DSCF4150.jpg 11-6-1

DSCF4152.jpg Lynbroook, Long Island, not too far from my neck of the woods.

DSCF4154.jpg Put Valley, 24-4-2

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Pawling 54-14

DSCF4156.jpg 54-63



Cold Spring Chief. I'm starting to dig this whole pickup truck chiefs vehicle.

Edited by JBE

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Germantown, CT


Croton Falls Rescue 28


Ball Pond's trophy winning tanker.




18-5-1, I miss the old Oshkosh/LTI.

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OK, since I'm probably killing Seth's bandwidth here, I'm gonna just put up a few more. Some that I had been looking forward to shooting, but not in a parade setting.


Somers, TL-18. I'm gonna have to come up on an off day and get some better shots of this.


16-2-1 from Kent.


Mount Kisco's TL-14.

DSCF4186-1.jpg Union Vale, 67-12. Can someone explain to me the purpose of leaving the compartments open??

And in honor of my brothers recent birthday, CVAC 31-7-2.


I've got about 20 or so more pictures, but the light was fading and the pictures weren't turning out so great. Enjoy!!!

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Nice photos all around! Thanks for sharing, there were some rigs I had never seen before, like Pawling or 11-4-2! Nice rig!!!! Thanks again!


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Mahopac falls won Best overall best antique and the ladies aux. won best overall ladies

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Union Vale, 67-12. Can someone explain to me the purpose of leaving the compartments open??

Union Vale is notorious for that I guess it comes down to being judged and ease for the judges to view the apparatus. Nice Photos.

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Union Vale, 67-12. Can someone explain to me the purpose of leaving the compartments open??

In some parades, judges do go around and open compartment doors to inspect tool placement, cleanliness, etc.....

This is just a simpler way to save them time, and I guess keep the judges from touching their un-ripened firetruck :P

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