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Norwalk/Westport: Truck Fire w/ Deckgun Use 7-26-07

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I liked it! Good job to the OIC and crew o fthe first in engine. Tractor trailer fires in Box trucks present a large unknown cargo issue, as well as having larger potential for ruptured and ignited saddle tanks. Their actions knocked down the fire while protecting the firefighters and preventing extension to the box. Sometimes in our excitement to fight fire we overlook the safest easiest way to get the job done.

I personnaly had an oppurtunity to put the gun to tractor cab fire one night when other crews were out and myself and an call capt. were the only ones inhouse. Needless to say the Capt. wanted to pull the line ( iwas a Lt.) so I pumped the truck, but while he was making the stretched I gunned the cab for a few seconds to keep it from extending into the box and snuffed the fire, much to his dismay!

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We have all heard the phrase adapt and overcome but when faced with a situation that challenges us it takes skill, practice, and discipline to implement this strategy. To adapt requires flexibility; to overcome- resolve. These skills are not necessarily innate, but can be learned and practiced.


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Very poignant post Billy, not surprising at all being I know you so well.

Wise man once said to me about being a FF/Paramedic.....if you want to operate like reading a cookbook you should go be a chef. Be a professional and be a provider and always be a leader. That officer on that engine was a leader and made a tactical decision, that took safety into consideration.

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