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635 On The Air?

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I've been hearing this very professional dispatcher voice from time to time on 46.26. It sounds a lot like this guy who use to work at 60-Control.

635 at KEC-625? Hmmmmm :)

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I was hearning the same dispatcher !

:-k Things that make you say HMMM

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Yup, I'm glad some people still reconize my voice, lol! I was 45-Medic-Dispatch (LOL).....I came off the road Sat to fill in for a dispatcher who was very ill so he could go home and get some rest. (My agency, Westchester EMS-Stellaris Health, provides communications services for the Somers Fire District, under contract, from SFD HQ's in Lincolndale) I also worked last Sat.

It's actually a lot more complicated job at times dispatching Somers than it seems..any dispatching job for that matter, but for the purpose of this thread, uniquely so in Somers....extreme multitasking, and everything has to be done 100% right at exactly the right time. There's a lot of different things to remember, and a lot of manual tasks to be done. They certainly do expect high performance out of their radio dispatchers, and hold them accountable for their actions. With that said, being I'm still learning the system, hoping I did a good job, hopefully I can stop hiding from 2441 and 2442 and not get banned from seeing 185,lol!

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.....hopefully I can stop hiding from 2441 and 2442......

You can run, but you can't hide. :twisted:

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