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FDNY Firefighters Arrested For Firehouse Arson

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FDNY Firefighters Arrested For Firehouse Arson

NEW YORK (AP) ― Two firefighters have been arrested on charges of setting fire to a Manhattan firehouse.

The Fire Department says the two men, who didn't work at the firehouse where the fire was set, face felony charges of arson, reckless endangerment and criminal mischief.

The department says the men are accused of using a flammable liquid to set an apparatus door on fire at Engine 34 in Manhattan. A firefighter on the scene saw smoke entering the firehouse and alerted on-duty firefighters, who extinguished the flame. No one was hurt.

The Fire Department is not releasing any information on why the men may have set the fire. The Uniformed Firefighters Association did not immediately return a call seeking comment, and calls to home numbers listed under the names of the firefighters went


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See, its not just bored volleys pulling this crap. Its also idiots playing insanely stupid pranks down here.

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Two New York City firefighters were arrested Sunday and charged with trying to set a Manhattan firehouse ablaze, officials said.

Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta, in a written statement, called the incident "an outrageous, depraved act that should be prosecuted to the full extent under the law."

Michael Izzo, 30, of Staten Island, who has six years with the department, and Richard Capece, 31, of Brooklyn, with five years, were charged with second-degree arson, first-degree reckless endangerment and second-degree criminal mischief, all felonies, a news release said.

Both are accused of using a "flammable liquid" to ignite the main door that opens for the trucks at Engine 34 on West 38th Street, in the Garment District area, about 2:15 a.m. Saturday, officials said. A law enforcement source said the liquid was gasoline.

Neither man is based at that firehouse, a law enforcement source said, although one of the men previously worked at that location. Their motive is unclear, the source said.

Izzo is assigned to Engine 242 in Brooklyn and Capece works at Engine 1 in Manhattan, officials said.

Both men have been suspended without pay, a fire department spokesman said.

The two men surrendered to fire marshals and the city's Department of Investigations yesterday, the source said.

A firefighter working at Engine 34 at the time of the incident noticed smoke from the fire seeping into the firehouse and alerted members on duty, who quickly extinguished the blaze. No injuries were reported. The damage was not considered major, the source said.

Both men fled the scene but were captured on surveillance video, the source said.

The two suspects were taken to the Fifth Police Precinct, officials said, with the fire department handling their processing at the facility. Neither could be reached for comment. If convicted of the charges, both men face termination from the FDNY in addition to criminal penalties.

Copyright © 2007, Newsday Inc.

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I wonder if this was supposed to be a prank that went bad or was bad intentions from the get go.

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A prank would be throwing a dummy down the pole to scare the guys, or pouring water on the probie outside the baydoors...once you include guys (especially from another house) pouring gasoline on a firehouse door and setting it ablaze, you rule out a prank. This is plain idiocracy from two retards who shouldve never been on the job in the first place!

Unfortunately, this isnt the first time and it definitly will not be the last.

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As a good friend oftern says"YOU CANT FIX STUPID" but this goes beyond stupid into the dangerous catagory. Not making a hasty decision here all the facts arent in just yet but it it seems like a police matter.

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Just when you think you heard it all...someone does something so outrageous that all you could do is shake your head in disbelief. I agree that the intent probably was a prank, but that does not justify it or make it "funny"


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There's gotta be more to this story. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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Bail set for 2 firefiighters accused of setting blaze



Monday, October 29th 2007, 12:11 PM


Bail was set Monday for two New York firefighters accused of starting a blaze at a Hell's Kitchen firehouse.

Michael Izzo, 30 of Staten Island and Richard Capece, 31, of Brooklyn appeared in Manhattan Criminal Court, where they were arraigned on felony charges of arson, reckless endangerment and criminal mischief.

>Judge Abraham Clott set bail of $20,000 cash or $30,00 bond for each defendant. They were ordered to return to court on Friday.

The two are accused of splashing gasoline on the garage door at Engine 34/Ladder 21 and then starting a fire. A security camera recorded the whole thing, officials said.

The fire was quickly extinguished and no one was hurt.

Nevertheless, Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta called it "an outrageous, depraved act that should be prosecuted to the full extent under the law."

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