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Looking to get a Blackberry. Which carrier is best?

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I have been a long time Sprint/Nextel customer. I use Direct Connect like it is going out of style. I would love to have a Blackberry that would work on the Nextel network, but they only have one model available and it is the bottom of the line one.

I have been looking at the Blackberry Curve which I think is the best Blackberry for what I would need. I am aware that in addition to a voice plan, I also need a Blackberry plan.

Which cell phone carrier has the best deals for voice and data? I am looking for feedback from acutal users. Info from each carriers websites has been a little helpful, but I want to hear from people who actually use different carriers.

One thing I found that I like is that with T-Mobile you can get the hotspot plan and use a wireless router to make phone calls if you are in an area with spotty service or if you want better signal at home or where ever you are.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Get Verizon. Its more money but you get what you pay for. I doubt T-mobile will work in Chester if you travel far enough away from a main road. Att's technology is horrible it doesnt have error correction in it that allows for audibile words. Dont expect ANY PDA phone to work as good as a plain old phone though.

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Without a doubt, Verizon is the best carrier. I've tried Cingular and Verizon and there is no comparrison. We've also tried Nextel/Blackberry service at work and it is awful !

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I would echo the others as far as Verizon as a carriers. I have a Blackberry 8830 (world edition) and I absolutely love it! i live on Cape Cod MA so I cannot speak for your area as far as coverage, but it is far more reliable than AT&T or Sprint/Nextel. The phone quality is great as far as sound and clarity. I am very impressed with the Blackberry "push" email technology as well. The 8830 is a solid PDA and user friendly. It has the trackball which is a departure from the traditional Blackberry wheel. The 8830 does not have a camera or wifi capability, but it depends on what you are looking for or need it for. The Curve does have a camera but is not available from Verizon. You may also want to look at some of the other new smartphones are coming out. Also Verizon is / will be picking up the Blackberry Pearl which has a different keyboard and I believe is a slimmer design. Good Luck! I really like my 8830!

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I've been with Verizon/Bell Atlantic / NYMEX mobile since the early 90's and their service is great. I travel a lot these day all over for business and the only area I did not have a signal was also an area AM and FM radio had no signal on the Pacific Coast Highway. I'm on my second Blackberry and I have the 8830 World Phone. As stated by someone its great. the only negative is the keys are a little closer toether and that has taken a little getting used to. There is no came\ra and to me that is good as some of the buildings I go into do not allow cameras for security reasons and they'd take the phone until I left and I'd miss calls and emails. YOu can take up to 10 email accounts. I have my work and a gmail but not my regular home email account due to the volume.

Great coverage.

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There is also the Blackberry Pearl - I have it with Verizon Wireless and love it -- Its like the curve but has a more condenced keypad and uses smart text software that recognizes words your beginning to type. It also comes with a camera built in (since you never know when you might be in a funny situation and want a picture of it)

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I currently use a Sprint/Nextel i580 because I like the durabilty, and want a phone that's a phone. I also am using a seperate Sprint Motorola Q for data.

I've never really had a problem with service or coverage, but their customer service is absolutely horrible.

I breifly had a Nextel Blackberry i700, but hated it because it was bulky, and also did not have a "qwerty" keyboard.

However, I am switching to a Blackberry Curve 8310 from AT&T Wireless this week, solely because you cannot beat a Blackberry for push email and messaging. I went with AT&T because they had the Curve, and the best price, and I could get a data-only plan at a reasonable cost. Also, my wife uses AT&T and never has any coverage issues.

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I was also thinking about looking at the new Moto Q. I know that non-Blackberry devices dont have push email etc, but I would also not have to pay to have an extra Blackberry data plan. Also, I am not sure if anyone has seen it yet, but there is a now a Wi-Fi card that is miniSD size. It can bring WiFi to any device that takes a miniSD card.

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I don't think the mini SD Wi-Fi card will work with the "Q". I have a "Q" and wanted the Mini SD Wi-Fi card so I could get the IPod Touch and use that to surf the web with but supposedly the "Q's" SD card port can't supply the needed current to run this card...... If you find differently, then let me know.....

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Starting in spring '08 and by the end of the year Verizon is going to open their network up to any phone compatible with their network. While this does exclude the i-phone and a few others most phones would be to be used on the Verizon network.

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i use a bb 8703e from verizon. i like it . i also keep a nextel too. i think att is a better company and they have the curve. the curve is nice because it is a full keyboard and it is thin. this way you can keep it in your shirt pocket. verizon service is good but the customer service sucks if you need help they send you to many different reps and they are no help. i remember when i wasa with att their customer service was much better.

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I have the BB Curve running on T-Mobile. Depending on the coverage in your area I highly recommend T-Mobile. The rate plans are competitive if not inexpensive. I upgraded to the curve when TMO introduced their hotspot @ home program which allows you to make and receive phone calls, text and use internet using a wireless broadband connection, which works well for me having spotty reception in my house. To my knowledge TMO is currently the only provider (at least in my area) that offers such a plan and the Curve is the only BB that is compatible with Wi-Fi calling.

The Blackberry Forums website has a TON of useful information on phone models, plans, carriers, etc.

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I've had my Blackberry Curve 8310 from AT&T for a couple of weeks now, and I'm quite satisfied with it and the service. Easy to setup and use right from the box.

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w/e you do, do not get the 7100i by nextel....What a pain in the @$$ this phone is. Im about ready to put it in the vice on the workbench.

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Doug-what was the outcome of your decision? If you made the switch, how do you like it?

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