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Sleepy Hollow FF Involved In On-Scene Scuffle Considers Criminal Complaint

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What happens at the Fire House stays at the Fire House.......


Never at a Fire Scene!!!!

Should be handled with in the Fire Dept. Not in the Local News Papers. Bad publicity, for the Vol. Fire Service never a good thing..

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Its an interdepartmental matter and will not be discussed here or any where else. The incident has been handled by the leadership of SHFD.

dude, are you kidding?

we are all public servants, thus the public WILL and CAN discuss any matter we choose. if you don't like it, may I as a member of the public, suggest that you retrain your guys/gals on on-scene etiquette.

Everyone has issues, whether political issues or personnel, but even arguing on scene is a zero tolerance issue…never mind physical interactions.

It seems like you have a few hot heads that need to be put in their place.

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dude, are you kidding?

we are all public servants, thus the public WILL and CAN discuss any matter we choose. if you don't like it, may I as a member of the public, suggest that you retrain your guys/gals on on-scene etiquette.

Everyone has issues, whether political issues or personnel, but even arguing on scene is a zero tolerance issue…never mind physical interactions.

It seems like you have a few hot heads that need to be put in their place.

Uh Dude people are asking what happened and since it is policy of Sleepy Hollow Fire Dept not to discuss Departmental issues we will not discuss it here or anywhere. Is that ok with you dude.

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Why don't we wait until ALL the facts are released...then pass judgement. Stop making assumptions, especially when it comes to a brother Firefighter This is how rumors get started and reputations get ruined.

First, Im not your pal.

So if he's not your pal does that make him your "brother." Just trying to get clarfication on that, I'm a bit confused.

Everyone has the right to listen to the facts and draw their own conclusions.

So is it that in the we pass judgement? Seems to make many are making their own conclusions. Then when they want more facts the following is said:

Its an interdepartmental matter and will not be discussed here or any where else

Which by the way calhobs I'm in total agreement that is the proper way to handle it.

As I pointed out and 585 also said for some reason...someone has a direct line to the paper and you guys are just having one hell of a run of bad luck.

But getting frustrated over it and getting personal, when IMO all the other posts deal with information out of an article, call it fact or not but it is printed, is pretty out there. There are worse things in life to worry about. Unless you were one of the 2 involved there is no reason to get defensive or pointed with your comments in return. No one has said one bad thing about the department mentioned in the article whatsoever. I do want to say that I have trained one of the members mentioned in the article and I am highly disappointed, from what I remember he was an excellent and attentive student that never gave me problems.

So with that said...does everyone get that "brother" "pal" "dude" "yo" "homey" "cuz" "bro" "gee" "ese" "money" "kid"

I just wanted to make sure I got them all covered in case I'm one but not the other.

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Its an interdepartmental matter and will not be discussed here or any where else. The incident has been handled by the leadership of SHFD.

And that's where it should remain.

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Well, if it wasn't published in a large-circulation newspaper, it probaly wouldn't have been discussed here. You can't just sweep something like this under the rug after that. Don't blame this site, blame your members who were involved in this and the newspaper/reporter. And it's being discussed, not just here, but by FF's and civilians across the county who have read the article completly unrelated to this site. No one is trashing SHFD or questioning the department, but rather discussing the incident which originated at SHFD. I hope not to see more of this in the media, but I hope there is some sort of damage control whether the Chief issues a statment, has a meeting with the Journal News, etc.

Basically, two guys got into a fight, on a fire scene. No other firefighters apparently saw or stopped it, someone in the FD called the PD for a report (which please note the police blotter is made available daily to local media and THAT IS HOW THE MEDIA PICKED UP ON IT!) So with that known, how come no SHFD member on here is placing the blame on the Fire Chief who called the PD? Instead of certain SHFD members saying "Two of our members got into a fight, it was an isolated incident beyond our control, it's being handled internally" and left it to be discussed, certain members instead chose to get defensive and angry at this site and members discussing it, which I find confusing and unreasonable. These certain members seem more upset that the issue is being discussed rather then showing concern that the incident actually happened. Ridiculous.

This was an isolated incident, but one we can ALL learn from.

By the way, if I see any members flaming one another past this point or taking it to a inappropriate personal level, posting privledges will be revoked for 30 days. There can be heated discussion, but respect one another please.

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I can sympothize with Sleepy Hollow Fire Dept. About 2 years ago, my dept was in the newspapers about the treasure stealing money. The only reason it was in the paper is because we had to go to both the town and PD about the issue. It sucks going places and having people ask about it (our by laws state we can not reveal any info to non members). Only things I could say to people is I know about as much as you do from the newspapers. Things do quiet down, it just takes time.

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We have beaten this up enough--SHFD is handleing it that enough for me. TIME TO CLOSE THE THREAD

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