
Update on Stamford Merger

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So basically everything will continue the way it is now.

Apparently for the time being yes, but it is my understanding that once implemented next year SFRD's presence up North will be drastically reduced to an as needed basis.

What a joke this whole thing is.

That remains to be seen, but you are of course entiltled to your opinion. Obviously I hope you are wrong, but should you be correct I can assure you some of us will be at the head of the line in working to correct any deficiencies that may arise.

Cogs, you talk about smoke and mirrors? Well this is the biggest smoke and mirror job that they are trying to force upon the public at large.

Again that remains to be seen. GFD on the other hand is NOT what some at SFRD tout it to be and that is simple fact. The article outlining GFDs "success" was entertaining to say the least especially the comments about GFD volunteers regularly riding out on E-6. Either someone is dreaming or lying when putting forth that information. To me trying to force feed that "model" to the public is no different to me than your assertion that the Mayor's plan of "smoke and mirrors" will be forced. Shortcoming abound regardless of which "plan" you believe is best, but with the agreement to merge the course of my FD has been set. As a dedicated member I will support it to the best of my ability while, if possible, trying to improve upon that which I believe needs improvement.


Edited by FFPCogs

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Are you saying 24/7 with a mix of paid and volunteers? Or does the plan already recognize the need for 4 man career staffing but it will be sold to the public as something else?

The plan recognizes the career minimums that those who created it accept as viable, anything above and beyond that will be decided upon as we progress. But it is a safe bet to assume there will be a mix of career and volunteer staffing at least to some degree in some if not all stations.


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Under the proposed staffing guidelines that may be correct as they are the minimum, but it is entirely possible that those staffing guidelines will be subject to change based on the availibility of guaranteed, scheduled volunteer staffing. Alternate guidelines remain a possibility and have recieved a number of modifcations to allow for 4 man staffing in each station 24/7. As has been said before this will be a work in progress and as such little is cast in stone at the moment. If or when some of the other programs associated with recruitment and retention bear fruit it is even more likely that residents of North Stamford will actuially see an increase in staffing per rig to 6 or multiple units staffed per station to better serve them. Given continued supprt from 888 the residents of North Stamford will see a far greater return for their investment than they have in the past or would with the proposed SFRD plan.


I have to ask this question again.........Where are you going to get the volunteers from, when the existing vollies are all hired as paid drivers?

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I have to ask this question again.........Where are you going to get the volunteers from, when the existing vollies are all hired as paid drivers?

A very good question to which I can only specualte the following

1) Not all members are interested in a full time paid position, in fact for many such a move would be financially irresponsible

2) Not all members will pass any written exam and will therefore be ineligible. But let me clarify that not passing a written civil service exam does not preclude one for being a volunteer firefighter so long as they are capable of passing the State certification process to become EMTs and FF2. Some are just not good test takers as the thousands who do not get hired onto career depts because they were unable to pass a written civil service exam shows. If memory serves SFRD does have a history of hiring some with dismally low written test scores by the way.

3) As far as I understand it the process will be an open competetive one in which out of town applicant will be involved. So again even if all Stamford volunteers were to take the test the odds that all will pass above the hundreds if not thousands from out of town that also take the exam are extremely remote at best.

4) Another possibility is that the hirings will be based off of the civil service exam of last year. If that is the case there are many many current violunteers that did not even take that test therefore they won't be hired

5) Most importantly a ongoing concerted and well supported recruitment and retention effort should increase the ranks if the programs of other successful departments are followed

Under the SFRD plan there will no longer be any seperate fire diistricts, only one. I have seen mention here earlier that "everyone' want one Chief, one department. Ok fair enough. To achieve that will require concessions from each "side" regardles of what process achieves that result since no one wants another GFD situation. It was mentioned earlier that Chief Brown "did NOT say no" to volunteers riding citywide, so in an effort to clarify the personal opinions of the L-786s members who contribute here that will vote on any of those concessions, (including volunteers riding out citywide), I will ask the following questions of my esteemed colleagues from SFRD:

1) Do YOU support allowing volunteers to ride on every rig from every station citywide when scheduled and certified to the FF2 and EMT (or other specialized level such as Recue or HazMat tech)?

2) Do you support the addition of volunteer staffing as a means to offset personnel costs and thus save taxpayers money?

3) Do you support equal standards for all personnel and for all ranks?

4) If so above, do you then support working under volunteer officers since they will have met the same requirements?

5) Do you support integrated training under certified volunteer training oficers?

6) Do you support the complete integration of the career and volunteer sectors in terms of the administation and decision making process?

7) How far are YOU personally willing to go to help create a truly integrated combination fire department to better serve our City?

I've answered all of your questions, now I look forward to your answers



Edited by FFPCogs

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Apparently for the time being yes, but it is my understanding that once implemented next year SFRD's presence up North will be drastically reduced to an as needed basis.

"An as needed basis"......ROFLMAO :lol:

So nothing will change.

A major step forward.............................."Remain Calm...All is well"


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There is a reason I bought a house in Stamford with a hydrant in the front yard, have 100 ft of hose, and have no problem tapping the hydrant to access water if my house catches on fire. I'm tired of the fighting between the Fire Rescue staff and the volunteers. I've had to call the 911 twice - once for smoke in my neighbor's house which was an oil burner malfunction, and another was for my neighbor who was unresponsive on her front yard. It took 10 min for TOR to show for the smoke in the house and less than 5 min for SFR who arrived when my neighbor passed out. As long as TOR can guarantee a trained crew to respond IMMEDIATELY on a piece of apparatus from the station (not just a darn chief car) 24 hours a day, then I'm ok with the volunteers continuing to operate as a volunteer house. SFR crews do a great job: they respond immediately from a trailer/station that's closer to my house. The wait time is minimal. Will TOR promise the same? I want that guarantee.

Funny thing about all this "guarantee" talk ....

If someone else called 911 before you, those 3 or 4 guys you think are so close to you will not be right over. And even if it was a slow day with no other calls, what if they were over at Haig Avenue taking on fuel, or shopping for their meal at the Grade A on Newfield Avenue?

Good thing you have a fire hydrant in your front yard. And fire hose too!! My aren't we prepared. I suggest you get your own pumper next. Maybe even your own aerial too ?? I highly recommend the Aerialscope :D

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There is a reason I bought a house in Stamford with a hydrant in the front yard, have 100 ft of hose, and have no problem tapping the hydrant to access water if my house catches on fire.

Did you actually have "hydrant" on your wish list or it just happened that their was a hydrant in front of the house you found.

Do you also have SCBA or do you plan on risking your life to save your home?

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So nothing will change.

If implemented quite alot will change actually. SFRD will no longer be present anywhere outside of their current fire district (which includes Glenbrook for the foreseeable future, but who knows). No more Engines 7, 8 and 9 in Vollywood. As for as responses go I believe there will be some automatic mutual responses along the district lines but beyond that it will be SFRD downtown and SVFD up North exclusively unless special called. This is how the northern resident will see a tax reduction while those downtown will see an increase. Since they will no longer be paying for SFRD in North Stamford those costs will then have to be absorbed by the downtown residents or cuts made to SFRD.

So yeah there's quite a bit of change afoot regardless of what plan is finally decided upon.


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The biggest "scam" in City of Stamford history is still moving forward! What a joke, a "paid" volunteer fire department. It didn't work in the past and it won't work in the future! I worked in the system, I've seen first hand all the "tom fuckery" that goes on in the volunteer houses. When will this City wake up!!!!

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ok lets use our heads here for a minute, cogs 7,8,9 engines might not be in the North End but at you stated there will be automatic Mutial aid to some things. my though is lets put 7 at station 5 move the rescue back to HQ. put 8 at threes since they are on the back side of Station Two for TOR and bring 9 to HQ and name it squad 1. we all know that this new plan might work for now but as the numbers dwindle 7,8 and 9 will be right back were they are now in a few years. now i know that i will get some rought feed back on this from the Vollenteers in the north that i know but, my hope is that when you can do the job anymore just grow up be men and state that you need help and stop being a bunch of winey Bitches that dont want to play nicely in the sand box. cogs i know that you are one of a few people that would stick it out to the end but brother from one volunteer to another, stamford VFD's are a sinking ship and i would get out while i still could and go somewhere else. i now that Beltown has been doing ok for now but it is only am matter of time before someone gets hurt or even Killed and that would be it for the Vollie houses. if i were involved i would be tring to implement a sistem some what like greenwich where every house has a career engine and it is suplmented by the vollies. Everyone be safe

Tom Tisano JR

EX Springdale junior

EX Darien FD LT

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ok lets use our heads here for a minute, cogs 7,8,9 engines might not be in the North End but at you stated there will be automatic Mutial aid to some things. my though is lets put 7 at station 5 move the rescue back to HQ. put 8 at threes since they are on the back side of Station Two for TOR and bring 9 to HQ and name it squad 1. we all know that this new plan might work for now but as the numbers dwindle 7,8 and 9 will be right back were they are now in a few years. now i know that i will get some rought feed back on this from the Vollenteers in the north that i know but, my hope is that when you can do the job anymore just grow up be men and state that you need help and stop being a bunch of winey Bitches that dont want to play nicely in the sand box. cogs i know that you are one of a few people that would stick it out to the end but brother from one volunteer to another, stamford VFD's are a sinking ship and i would get out while i still could and go somewhere else. i now that Beltown has been doing ok for now but it is only am matter of time before someone gets hurt or even Killed and that would be it for the Vollie houses. if i were involved i would be tring to implement a sistem some what like greenwich where every house has a career engine and it is suplmented by the vollies. Everyone be safe

Tom Tisano JR

EX Springdale junior

EX Darien FD LT


The redistribution that you envision should the SVFD become reality is a good one and one that only increases the service to downtown. So in at least in that respect there is a positive to it is there not?

Now as far as sinking ships and all goes, well there are problems to be faced that's for sure but as a stalwart believer in the ability and dedication of many current and with the right grounding any futute volunteers I'm just not quite ready to throw in the towel just yet. It may come to pass that this will be an epic failure, but if that is the cae it will not be so because I and many others did not contribute all we can towards itt's success. I'm alot of things as I'm sure you're aware, but a quitter isn't one of them, no matter how high the odds. Even from my new "home" in Afghanistan I am still able to contribute to the success of Stamford's volunteers in ways that can shape our future positively. Of course on my R&Rs every 90 days I will be a fixture at Belltown or wherever else I'm needed. And although there are some valuable aspects of Greenwich's system, I am not at all convinced that such a set up is in Stamford's best interest. Yes we should most definitely takes what works such as their recruitment and ioncentive plans and incoporate them, but they should be incorporated into a system more akin to Montgonmery Cty MD where the "sides" are far more thoroughly intergrated. Barring that the SVFD is as far as I'm concerned the better of the two options available at the moment. Now some of that belief is without doubt rooted in my history with the BFD and it's part as a community anchor in that neighborhood, but there is more to it than that. In the end we must all follow our beliefs and work to make them reality. I and many of my volunteer brothers intend to do just that until we are no longer able.

Stay Safe


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i agree with some or your points Cogs and respect them. you and the boys at belltown are doing what you can and i respect that. I do how ever have one question when and if this new SVFD comes to life will your department go back to having Paid drivers like to old days or stay a truly vollenteer house? the reason i as is because you stated earlier in this thread your department was very proud of being a all vounteer house and still able to get the truck out the door, with out the day time staff i appluade that. i do have one other question if the SVFD does come to life will you be one of the many vollies that apply for the Paid jobs? and what union will you all be apart of? since Connecticut is a collective barganing state i know that 786 probly wont welcome the new paid personal with open arms. just simple questions.


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As long as Politicians control the fire service, there is little hope for our future. They are capitalizing on an unfortunate set of circumstances of which they are a BIG contributor to! (the financial meltdown of this Country’s economy) and are using this opportunity to come after us FULL THROTTLE. As anyone of reasonable intelligence should know, Politicians along with this Country’s greedy Bankers and Corporate Pirates have run this Country’s economy in the dirt and now need someone (or Something) to blame it all on!

Since almost every working American is suffering financially right now, they are easily swayed into believing that Career Firefighters and Police are the cause of all their financial woes. Most people throughout the course of their lives rarely call upon our services and many are fortunate enough to never experience the tragedy of a fire, first hand. With that, it’s not hard for some sharp tongue Politician’s along with the corporate controlled newspapers to discredit Cops and Firemen almost daily.

It’s no secret that Professional Services cost money. It’s been that way for a long time. It’s no secret that SOME have abused the system as well. Dishonesty and corruption live in every walk of life. If the dishonesty and corruption of Politicians were revealed in full to the American people, the sheer stench alone will kill us all! Their one distinct advantage is they control the Media and have the ability to influence the masses with their “Spin” of the facts. As distorted as the wish to make them! We are always defending ourselves to a tainted audience!

With all that is going on, some Volunteer organizations have seized this opportunity to align themselves with these Politicians (i.e. SVFD) to capitalize on a unique opportunity to position themselves as the answer to everyone’s financial problems. This is a powerful combination to those who do not have the depth of knowledge about the services they receive and the history of this ongoing issue. They only know what they are told in the newspapers which from what I have read, is alarmingly vague.

In a recent post, FFPCogs writes; “It may come to pass that this will be an epic failure.” Should that be the case, who will shoulder the blame? Of course no one responsible will be anywhere to be found! So who pays the price if this fails? All those who have been misled all along! Not a legacy I would want to be attached to!

………….and so it goes on.

FD828, Bnechis and PCFD ENG58 like this

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Pavia's fire plan is a joke and the board of representatives will never vote in favor of it. Cogs, you and the rest of the volunteers associated with this plan could care less about the public, you're not interested in improving public safety, instead your number 1 priority is survival. The creation of Pavia's fire plan was not brought on because the volunteers believed that it would improve fire protection, it was created because you guys felt threatened and it was necessary to survive. Everyone can clearly see that your proposed "agreement" is just another survival tactic.

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The creation of Pavia's fire plan was not brought on because the volunteers believed that it would improve fire protection, it was created because you guys felt threatened and it was necessary to survive.

It was "brought on" by a multitude of reasons and factors. The reason you attribute is but a minor piece of the pie.
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Cogs, you and the rest of the volunteers associated with this plan could care less about the public, you're not interested in improving public safety,

Everyone's entitled to an opinion my friend, but I suggest you tread lightly when making such accusations.

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1) Do YOU support allowing volunteers to ride on every rig from every station citywide when scheduled and certified to the FF2 and EMT (or other specialized level such as Recue or HazMat tech)?

2) Do you support the addition of volunteer staffing as a means to offset personnel costs and thus save taxpayers money?

3) Do you support equal standards for all personnel and for all ranks?

4) If so above, do you then support working under volunteer officers since they will have met the same requirements?

5) Do you support integrated training under certified volunteer training oficers?

6) Do you support the complete integration of the career and volunteer sectors in terms of the administation and decision making process?

7) How far are YOU personally willing to go to help create a truly integrated combination fire department to better serve our City?

I've answered all of your questions, now I look forward to your answers



1. Nope. SFRD has not built it's stations with the thought of working as a combination stations. Parking is a mess at 3 different stations during shift change and additional cars can make it even more of a challenge, Many of the day rooms are not conducive to having extra bodies there and the same can be said about the bunk situation. On the rare occasion that more firefighters are working then minimum staffing those bodies are sent north. This is to help the houses that have longer response times for second due engines. While I'm against vollies riding out downtown If we are told it will happen I would expect the On duty Deputy to have say where this man power is stationed.

Do you envision a ride along program to have structured shifts or as the volunteer has time available?

2. No, I don't support the concept of allowing volunteers to fill spots needed by minimum manpower. Overtime benefits the cities and career firefighters, when you consider while I am being paid time and a half it truly only costs the city the half ( they've budget for the shift anyways). Plus they don't pay any extra benefits.

Will the SVFD have overtime or will volunteers fill shifts? Will the volunteer be paid for that shift?

3. Yes. If you do get to ride downtown I'll expect you'll sit the watch, handle the orderly detail and other details handed out by the Officer. This is done in a systematic way currently and you guys have many watches , orderly and yard details to catch up to us.

4. I have no problem following the chain of command, I work for a Capt or LT. If you need something done go talk to that guy.

5. Most of our training is done during the day in conjucntion with the training divison or the house officer. This allows us to train in a much faster time period then training with the volunteers on a standard drill night. That being said I think on drill night the career and volunteers in a combo house should work together.

6. No. Would you support the Career staff in voting for volunteer officers positions? Or descions an individual company needs to make?

7. Until the mayor is willing to get everyone in the room, this is about it.

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Also how did you guys allow Fahan to outsmart everyone? He's got you all over the barrell I hope he asks for the world to sign this deal. That guy is dumb like a fox.

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1. Nope. SFRD has not built it's stations with the thought of working as a combination stations. Parking is a mess at 3 different stations during shift change and additional cars can make it even more of a challenge, Many of the day rooms are not conducive to having extra bodies there and the same can be said about the bunk situation. On the rare occasion that more firefighters are working then minimum staffing those bodies are sent north. This is to help the houses that have longer response times for second due engines. While I'm against vollies riding out downtown If we are told it will happen I would expect the On duty Deputy to have say where this man power is stationed.

Do you envision a ride along program to have structured shifts or as the volunteer has time available?

2. No, I don't support the concept of allowing volunteers to fill spots needed by minimum manpower. Overtime benefits the cities and career firefighters, when you consider while I am being paid time and a half it truly only costs the city the half ( they've budget for the shift anyways). Plus they don't pay any extra benefits.

Will the SVFD have overtime or will volunteers fill shifts? Will the volunteer be paid for that shift?

3. Yes. If you do get to ride downtown I'll expect you'll sit the watch, handle the orderly detail and other details handed out by the Officer. This is done in a systematic way currently and you guys have many watches , orderly and yard details to catch up to us.

4. I have no problem following the chain of command, I work for a Capt or LT. If you need something done go talk to that guy.

5. Most of our training is done during the day in conjucntion with the training divison or the house officer. This allows us to train in a much faster time period then training with the volunteers on a standard drill night. That being said I think on drill night the career and volunteers in a combo house should work together.

6. No. Would you support the Career staff in voting for volunteer officers positions? Or descions an individual company needs to make?

7. Until the mayor is willing to get everyone in the room, this is about it.

Thanks for the honest answers. And now it's my turn to answer yours.

1) Structured scheduled duty shifts

2a). There will be overtime of course. I would like to see volunteers as fill ins

2b). I honestly don't know, but this is something I among others is pushing for.

3) I would not have a problem with assigned career personnel voting to elect volunteers officers assigned to that station, after all as I envisiojn it they will be working together under a unified and integrated chain of command.

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Did you actually have "hydrant" on your wish list or it just happened that their was a hydrant in front of the house you found.

Do you also have SCBA or do you plan on risking your life to save your home?

Don't worry - I'm more than adequately trained to fight a fire. I may be a paramedic now, but my FD career days weren't that long ago. :)

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Don't worry - I'm more than adequately trained to fight a fire. I may be a paramedic now, but my FD career days weren't that long ago. :)

I am sure everyone here wishes they could be like you.

I mean, you actually have your very own hydrant, and your very own fire hose!

How cool is that ?!?!

What's the tip pressure for your nozzle?

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Will the long ridge paid drivers be given seniority in the new SVFD? I assume they'll be the first hired positions based off of their seniority.

Edited by CTFF

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Will the long ridge paid drivers be given seniority in the new SVFD? I assume they'll be the first hired positions based off of their seniority.

I would assume the same as they are already employed by one of the four partners.

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I would assume the same as they are already employed by one of the four partners.

Ahem... that is three partners.

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Ahem... that is three partners.

Wait, I thought it was one dept?

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Ahem... that is three partners.

Yes, three....... thank you for the of the three current partners.

Edited by FFPCogs

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1) Do YOU support allowing volunteers to ride on every rig from every station citywide when scheduled and certified to the FF2 and EMT (or other specialized level such as Recue or HazMat tech)?

2) Do you support the addition of volunteer staffing as a means to offset personnel costs and thus save taxpayers money?

3) Do you support equal standards for all personnel and for all ranks?

4) If so above, do you then support working under volunteer officers since they will have met the same requirements?

5) Do you support integrated training under certified volunteer training oficers?

6) Do you support the complete integration of the career and volunteer sectors in terms of the administation and decision making process?

7) How far are YOU personally willing to go to help create a truly integrated combination fire department to better serve our City?

I've answered all of your questions, now I look forward to your answers



1. No. Not in the begining anyway. I feel that before we ride together, we must train together first. So just being certified is not enough in my book. If after we train together then I don't have a problem with volunteers riding at other stations provided they do not take a spot away from a career ff. And if they ride, it is for a whole shift (day, night or both) and they will be responsible for all the same things the career ff's are, including equipemt checks and inventory, station details, cooking, cleaning, watches etc... AND they must wear a uniform. Whatever it is, they cannot be the guy in jeans or shorts and flip flops. They have to be part of the crew.

2. No, I don't think a volunteer should replace a career vacancy. And about saving tax payer money, the only plan that doesn't increase or hire new ff's is chief Brown's plan whether you like it or not. You can spin it any way you want, saying that there will be no cost to tax payers for the mayor's plan, but the bottom line is that they are hiring 50+ ff's and a chief. So just because they are changing the mill rates to make it seem as if there is no cost doesn't mean it is so.

3. Yes. All ff's and officers should be trained the same and to the same level.

4. No. I feel that volunteer officers should be in command of their volunteer crews. If a volunteer officer needs a career crew to do something, they can speak with the career officer of that crew. Of course the IC is in charge of all crews paid or volunteer.

5. Yes. I have taken several courses that were taught by both career and volunteer instructors.

6. Not exactly sure, I do feel that if we were all working together that all parties would have input in all aspects and the final decision would rest upon the shoulders of the chief of the department.

7. I am willing to do what is asked of me by my officers, fellow ff's, department, and union. This is my career first and foremost. I have to be able to provide for my family. I cannot make department changes, I can put my input in to my union officials as I have been doing.

The fact remains that we could agree on everything, but the mayor is going to do what he wants regardless of what anyone else has to say about it. Professional studies, tons and tons of experience in the fire service, and he is listening to who? An X baseball manager/analyst who has ZERO public safety experience? A lawyer? A past volunteer chief that live in Milford? We could talk till we are blue in the face and it won't matter. This administration is set on one thing and one thing only, and it is NOT making 1 department.

Edited by FD828

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Wait, I thought it was one dept?

I can see how this could be confusing. Think of it more along the lines of a strategic partnership in the business world. Each independent entity i.e. current VFD will be contractually bound to work within an established framework to serve the common goal under the authority of a Fire Chief / Administartor hired by a Bd of Directors comprised of the President and 1 member of each member department . As I understand it each member department (partner) will retain much of their independence in relation to membership. administration of the company, by-laws (so long as they don't contradict those of the partnership agreement), fundraising, social activities, and such. All fireground and operational SOGs, preplans, command, and other such functions will be standardized, while responses will be more akin to the old mutual aid system with each partner assisting the others. Any employees, and the fire investigation and inspection services will be unified and under the authority of the paid Chief /Admin in conjunction with the Bd or Directors as described above.

This type of arrangement is very common in my current employment. KBR a giant in the field of support services in war zones has many times taken on strategic partners to provide certain aspects of their service,. WSI did the firefighting for KBR throughout Iraq as a strategic partner. More recently two contract fire compaies have pooled their resources to provide the necessary level of service as required by Army Reg 420-1 and any number of NFPA standards since neither could effectively do so alone.

I will say that some of us had hoped to take a different approach to this situation and fought hard for our beliefs. But be that as it may the memberships of the partner departmets have spoken and as such we that are dedicated members of those departments will adhere to the program and contribute to the success of the venture inasmuch as we can.


Edited by FFPCogs

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1. No. Not in the begining anyway. I feel that before we ride together, we must train together first. So just being certified is not enough in my book. If after we train together then I don't have a problem with volunteers riding at other stations provided they do not take a spot away from a career ff. And if they ride, it is for a whole shift (day, night or both) and they will be responsible for all the same things the career ff's are, including equipemt checks and inventory, station details, cooking, cleaning, watches etc... AND they must wear a uniform. Whatever it is, they cannot be the guy in jeans or shorts and flip flops. They have to be part of the crew.

2. No, I don't think a volunteer should replace a career vacancy. And about saving tax payer money, the only plan that doesn't increase or hire new ff's is chief Brown's plan whether you like it or not. You can spin it any way you want, saying that there will be no cost to tax payers for the mayor's plan, but the bottom line is that they are hiring 50+ ff's and a chief. So just because they are changing the mill rates to make it seem as if there is no cost doesn't mean it is so.

3. Yes. All ff's and officers should be trained the same and to the same level.

4. No. I feel that volunteer officers should be in command of their volunteer crews. If a volunteer officer needs a career crew to do something, they can speak with the career officer of that crew. Of course the IC is in charge of all crews paid or volunteer.

5. Yes. I have taken several courses that were taught by both career and volunteer instructors.

6. Not exactly sure, I do feel that if we were all working together that all parties would have input in all aspects and the final decision would rest upon the shoulders of the chief of the department.

7. I am willing to do what is asked of me by my officers, fellow ff's, department, and union. This is my career first and foremost. I have to be able to provide for my family. I cannot make department changes, I can put my input in to my union officials as I have been doing.

The fact remains that we could agree on everything, but the mayor is going to do what he wants regardless of what anyone else has to say about it. Professional studies, tons and tons of experience in the fire service, and he is listening to who? An X baseball manager/analyst who has ZERO public safety experience? A lawyer? A past volunteer chief that live in Milford? We could talk till we are blue in the face and it won't matter. This administration is set on one thing and one thing only, and it is NOT making 1 department.

As I stated in my previous post our members have spoken so like you with your union we will follow the path laid before us, working where ever we can to enhance it if possible or necessary. That you agree to much of what I asked is heartening since many believe that the Mayor's plan will not get the support of the Bd of Reps. Let me say that I do not,believe that is the case, but even so should such an eventaulity happen what then? The SFRD plan presented by Chief Brown has some serious deficiencies and some unanswered questions, at least to is to be expected I guess. Some of these may cause that plan to fall flat as well in the Bd of Reps. So as we can see when keeping level heads there is much that we agree on at least in theory, probably 90% in terms of operational parameters, so the other 10% while being the actual obstacles are sumountable. Would you at least agree that on the points in which there is disagreement compromise is possible through negotiation? Prudence demands that since nothing is set in stone as of yet we should continue exploring options that may yet yield results hitherto unforseen. Do you not agree?


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I mostly agree, yes. Unfortunately, as I have said before, the mayor is set on 1 goal. I know it is rumor, but it has been said that he was heard (mayor/larobina) that this plan is going forward wheather the BOR likes it or not. Again, rumor, but non-the-less, that is his goal no matter what anyone has to say about it.

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