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Should WCFTC and WCC Team Up To Offer A Fire Science Degree?

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I posted this comment in another thread as related to a different issue, but feel it warrants its own discussion.

If WCFTC was to affiliate in some way with WCC, they could open up a world of new oppurtunities. Maybe WCC, in conjunction with WCFTC, could offer some sort of Firefighter/Fire Science Degree program. I would be willing to make a bet if a program like that was to be done, it would be pretty succesful.....and probaly interest and make it easier for more people in earning an AS. You could apply training taken for your department towards a college degree.

Whaddya think? Would anybody be interested in a program like this?

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I agree with x635. A true Fire Science degree, taught by college level professors, is a great idea. As someone who holds a BS in Fire Science, I know the rewards of such a degree. John Jay's program(which I am an alumni) is all classroom, which inhibits practical and hands on training, but a program 635 speaks of would incorporate these ideas. If this would come to fruition, great strides could be taken in the education of the firefighters in WC.

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I'm currently a freshman at the University of New Haven. UNH has a great Fire Science program which offers degrees in Arson Invesitgation, Fire Department Administation and Fire Science Technology, which deals with building designs, sprinkler systems etc. You can also get a double major in Arson Investigation and Fire Admin. Another good thing about UNH is that it's only an hour from Westchester. If you have any questions about the school or the Fire Science program feel free to ask.

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UNH has an excellent program. If you can do it. A commute of 1 hour (and a difficult 1 hour at times) is not feasible for some that have very limited time and a very limited budget as it is.

Also, this program could and would contribute and enhance the Westchester County Fire Training Center and WCC.

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