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EMTBravo.COM Closing Down

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EMTBravo.COM (NOT these forums, the "main page" will shutting down in it's current format. Eventually, it will relaunch as a portal site for the forums, in the meantime it will lead you to links to all of the EMTBravo sites.

I've made this decision after long consideration because I don't have the time or willingness to keep EMTBravo.COM up anymore. I will be shifting my focus on the forums. The staff of the forums have been a HUGE help to me giving me the time to take care of the administrative duties without having to worry about the "day to day" stuff that takes up a lot of time.

Among other contributing factors, I am trying to change my lifestyle up a little bit for the healthier, and feel that bogs me down. I don't have the time or drive right now to "reinvent" the site either for others to help me with the upkeep. has lost a lot of the "luster" it once had, mainly due to neglect by me. I also want to focus more on my personal photo site and blog.

Additionally, as is hogs a lot of the servers resources.

As far as the photos are concerned, you will be able to use these forums to post and share your photos.




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You dont have anyone else that is willing to take over for you

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Hi Seth... Thanks for the message... Out of curiousity, and I am certain that you and your staff have deliberated and dealt with this issue, will there be "Photo-Moderators"? If you will be posting details soon, I will wait till then.



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Seth --

Sorry to hear of the demise of EMT, but I am not surprised. As the saying goes, ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END. Given the amount of work that running a website requires, never mind the expense, I am surprised you were able to keep it going as long as you did. I thank you for all the effort you put into it. It was a wealth of information and for me, a link to my old roots in Westchester County. I am glad that the Forums will continue and I am glad to hear that you will be devoting time to taking more photos.

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Seth....your photos brought me to this board and the forums keep me coming back. I want to personally thank you for all of the time, effort, resources and money that you have devoted to this site.

Just keep the hits coming.....

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Seth....your photos brought me to this board and the forums keep me coming back. I want to personally thank you for all of the time, effort, resources and money that you have devoted to this site.

Just keep the hits coming.....

O.K.... I have been an advocate of this site for some time now and I think this is BS... You have had hundreds of supporters, including me, who have donated based on the idea that we were supporting The main website has always been a portal to the forums. It had a good format, enabled the most recent incident alerts to be seen and provided a direct link to the photos that you love so much. I don't understand how you could have had the site up yesterday and one of the main ads asked for donations and then today took the site down without notice. You have participated in a false advertising scheme at the least. Like I said, I have been nothing but supportive to this site but I decided to post this so it could be seen for several reasons. First, you posted this and changed the site without member input. Second, you took the people that supported you through your "difficult times" and basically spat on them. We helped you through the rough time and you didn't even have the common decency to alert those of us who helped this site. Like I said this is B.S. (I like many others are abiding by the rules regarding language) @ best. Best of luck brother, because to an extent, you betrayed your supporters.

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to be honest i like better then net

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O.K.... I have been an advocate of this site for some time now and I think this is bullshit... You have had hundreds of supporters, including me, who have donated based on the idea that we were supporting

Hundreds, really? Where are you getting your numbers from? I recieved donations from a core group of people. It's not a large number by any means. And mainly, it's the staff of these forums that have contributed. Khas, you have always been there finacially all along, I acknowledge and really appreciate that.

The main website has always been a portal to the forums. It had a good format, enabled the most recent incident alerts to be seen and provided a direct link to the photos that you love so much. I don't understand how you could have had the site up yesterday and one of the main ads asked for donations and then today took the site down without notice. You have participated in a false advertising scheme at the least.

Most people used as a portal to the forums. So, basically, it was an extension of these forums. The donations were for the EMTBravo websites, mainly for this forum, which is the major expense. I do appreciate your donation. If you would like your donation back, please contact me at However, keep in mind if I have to refund donations, there may be a chance that would bankrupt this site, and force this forums closure and prevent the future relaunch of a new in the future.

I never wanted to take donations or ads becuase I didn't want to feel "obligated" to anyone, but was really forced into finacial hardship over the past year.

Like I said, I have been nothing but supportive to this site but I decided to post this so it could be seen for several reasons. First, you posted this and changed the site without member input. Second, you took the people that supported you through your "difficult times" and basically spat on them. We helped you through the rough time and you didn't even have the common decency to alert those of us who helped this site. Like I said this is B.S. (I like many others are abiding by the rules regarding language) @ best. Best of luck brother, because to an extent, you betrayed your supporters.

I didn't "spit" on anyone. This decision was hard for me to make, and I have been contemplating it for several weeks now. There's a number of personal factors that went into this as well. I didn't open it to the membership because this wasn't someting that could be discussed, and some of the factors that went into it are personal.

I appreciate everyone's support. is NOT dead, it will relaunch as a portal to all the forums, with complete focus on the forums. You'll be able to see the recent topics and specific-area Incident Alerts, featured topics, and some other new things, which I think you will really like. It will allow the site to be updated with little work from me. Just give me a few months.

One other reason I needed to take down because it was sucking a lot of usage from the server, possibly causing downtime. I am trying to stablize expenses, and server resources, and right now is on bypass to a TEMPORARY page.

I'm sorry if you feel "betrayed", but I had to make this decision. Trust me, it wasn't an easy one.

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Seth, I respect your decision. I really liked the photo links on the .com page.

As for everyone who thinks this decision is BS, put yourself in Seth's shoes, and then consider your opinion.


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What is happening with the advertisers that paid there dues a couple of weeks ago for advertising on

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Like all of you I'm dissapointed that the sight is being changed, but as Seth says in his initial post, he's shutting it down in it's current format. There is nothing to say that in time some form may come back.

But, when you get down to brass tacks, it is Seth's to do with as he pleases and if it his pleasure to reconfigure things, well then, so be it.

Seth..... Good Luck with your troubles, remember as the prayer says, this too shall pass.

Edited by Stench60

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Hundreds, really? Where are you getting your numbers from? I recieved donations from a core group of people. It's not a large number by any means. And mainly, it's the staff of these forums that have contributed. Khas, you have always been there finacially all along, I acknowledge and really appreciate that.

Most people used as a portal to the forums. So, basically, it was an extension of these forums. The donations were for the EMTBravo websites, mainly for this forum, which is the major expense. I do appreciate your donation. If you would like your donation back, please contact me at However, keep in mind if I have to refund donations, there may be a chance that would bankrupt this site, and force this forums closure and prevent the future relaunch of a new in the future.

Hundreds was an assumption... If I was wrong I apologize. I would never ask for a refund for my donations but was the the "flagship" and that is what YOU solicated donations under. If you were planning to shut down the site that you solicated donations under you should have shared that with members. I am sure the site will go on under the forums but I can almost guarentee that your hits will be reduced.

I never wanted to take donations or ads becuase I didn't want to feel "obligated" to anyone, but was really forced into finacial hardship over the past year.

I didn't "spit" on anyone. This decision was hard for me to make, and I have been contemplating it for several weeks now. There's a number of personal factors that went into this as well. I didn't open it to the membership because this wasn't someting that could be discussed, and some of the factors that went into it are personal.

The point was that you should have felt obligated because of your request for donations. It is almost the same as being a public corporation and answering to your shareholders. You solicited donations and you should feel obligated to answer to your donors. They belived in your site and donated because of that. The fact that you say your staff donated is great and if I was a member of your staff I would have donated the same amount (the amount that I was finacially able to) but this is something you should have shared with the membership that supports your website and your advertisers.

I appreciate everyone's support. is NOT dead, it will relaunch as a portal to all the forums, with complete focus on the forums. You'll be able to see the recent topics and specific-area Incident Alerts, featured topics, and some other new things, which I think you will really like. It will allow the site to be updated with little work from me. Just give me a few months. One other reason I needed to take down because it was sucking a lot of usage from the server, possibly causing downtime. I am trying to stablize expenses, and server resources, and right now is on bypass to a TEMPORARY page. I'm sorry if you feel "betrayed", but I had to make this decision. Trust me, it wasn't an easy one.

I understand that it was not an easy decision but my point is simply that you should have shared it with those that make this site was it is. I understand what being financially strapped is like but when you request help you do have an obligation to explain your expenses to an extent. I am not saying I want a copy of your bank account but when you donate to a charitble contribution you are entitled to see their expense sheet. I just wish that you would have asked those that make the site run (obviously, other than the admin's) what you should do. What it comes down to is that the members make this site run and they/us should have been involved in the decision making process.

Nonetheless, best of luck... your still a brother and I wish you the best.

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O.K.... I have been an advocate of this site for some time now and I think this is BS... You have had hundreds of supporters, including me, who have donated based on the idea that we were supporting The main website has always been a portal to the forums. It had a good format, enabled the most recent incident alerts to be seen and provided a direct link to the photos that you love so much. I don't understand how you could have had the site up yesterday and one of the main ads asked for donations and then today took the site down without notice. You have participated in a false advertising scheme at the least. Like I said, I have been nothing but supportive to this site but I decided to post this so it could be seen for several reasons. First, you posted this and changed the site without member input. Second, you took the people that supported you through your "difficult times" and basically spat on them. We helped you through the rough time and you didn't even have the common decency to alert those of us who helped this site. Like I said this is B.S. (I like many others are abiding by the rules regarding language) @ best. Best of luck brother, because to an extent, you betrayed your supporters.

I have to agree with the above, especially regarding donations. I NEVER hesitated to donate, and a large donation. I honestly feel ripped off. From day one I have always supported the idea of going to paid membership to help you with you costs, maybe even a little profit for your self, thats why I donated the amount I did. ( is my paypal email if you'd like to look it up).

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thanks for all that you have done for the site while it was in existance

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Hopefully in the future will be brought back better than ever. I also feel that all good things must come to an end.

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I am not saying this because I am a staff member. I donated a small amount with hopes of helping to keep the site afloat. I used to check the incident alerts on the right hand side of the page. I used the link to sometimes. I don't see the big deal that it is offline, so we can't look at spyshots of westchester fire apparatus? Big deal. I don't feel ripped off, I donated to keep the information coming and have a place to post good stuff and use downtime wisely. All that is and was provided. Seth did not betray anyone, he is still providing a free service that simply needed some financial help. You weren't booted if you did not donate. I really cannot see the problem here. The same tune has been played over and over again...if you don't like what is going on here, you have the option to not participate and not to donate.


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I am not saying this because I am a staff member. I donated a small amount with hopes of helping to keep the site afloat. I used to check the incident alerts on the right hand side of the page. I used the link to sometimes. I don't see the big deal that it is offline, so we can't look at spyshots of westchester fire apparatus? Big deal. I don't feel ripped off, I donated to keep the information coming and have a place to post good stuff and use downtime wisely. All that is and was provided. Seth did not betray anyone, he is still providing a free service that simply needed some financial help. You weren't booted if you did not donate. I really cannot see the problem here. The same tune has been played over and over again...if you don't like what is going on here, you have the option to not participate and not to donate.


JCoppola.... with all due respect... you may have donated for your reasons but the annoyance factor... well here it is... one of the main ads when logging onto was to donate to help EMTBravo..COM... While you may say that what you liked about EMTBravo was not a big deal (kind of strange for a staff member) that is the reason that many people donated to EMTBravo.

What do you mean the same tune has been played over and over..... you are wrong... and I am sure that many people think so.

The same "tune" that you refer to has not been played.... this is new... and for you to suggest that I shouldn't donate you are wrong.... and to be honest you should not be a member of the staff here if you are going to suggest that. This is an open discussion and to suggest that people should not donate without discussing the future of this site is wrong... nothing personal but I am asking honest and valid questions and I believe I have a right to do so....

Edited by khas143

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JCoppola.... with all due respect... you may have donated for your reasons but the annoyance factor... well here it is... one of the main ads when logging onto was to donate to help EMTBravo..COM... While you may say that what you liked about EMTBravo was not a big deal (kind of strange for a staff member) that is the reason that many people donated to EMTBravo.

What do you mean the same tune has been played over and over..... you are wrong... and I am sure that many people think so.

The same "tune" that you refer to has not been played.... this is new... and for you to suggest that I shouldn't donate you are wrong.... and to be honest you should not be a member of the staff here if you are going to suggest that. This is an open discussion and to suggest that people should not donate without discussing the future of this site is wrong... nothing personal but I am asking honest and valid questions and I believe I have a right to do so....

Are you kidding me? You way misinterpreted what I was saying!

I only said that donating and participating is voluntary, I don't understand how you interpret that as "DONT DONATE" Unreal...even after I stated that I did my part as a member and staff???

I should not be a moderator? Where the hell are you getting this from? I take the responsibility that was bestowed upon me quite seriously, and for you to suggest otherwise is way out of line.

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I understand the unfortunate decision that you have made. Maybe in the future you will be able to bring it back, who knows. People also do not realize how much money that you have spent out of your own pockets over the years (before the donation program). Combined with todays economy I respect your decision.


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I respect you having to do what you need to do. But, in time if you can i feel it would be great to have a one stop site like emtbravo.COM was. I myself feel as if i will not be vistting the site as often without along with a bunch of people i have talked to about it. I will miss checking the incedent alerts as often as i alwasy did.(most of the time with a recent topic discussion catching my eye)

thanks for everything you do with this site along with all the staff. but .COM will be missed

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I have not been a member fo very long but i am gonna miss the incidents on the right side of the web page i hope that will return . i really enjoyed reading the different counties as well as my own fires that were being dispatched!!!!

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JCoppola.... with all due respect... you may have donated for your reasons but the annoyance factor... well here it is... one of the main ads when logging onto was to donate to help EMTBravo..COM... While you may say that what you liked about EMTBravo was not a big deal (kind of strange for a staff member) that is the reason that many people donated to EMTBravo.

What do you mean the same tune has been played over and over..... you are wrong... and I am sure that many people think so.

The same "tune" that you refer to has not been played.... this is new... and for you to suggest that I shouldn't donate you are wrong.... and to be honest you should not be a member of the staff here if you are going to suggest that. This is an open discussion and to suggest that people should not donate without discussing the future of this site is wrong... nothing personal but I am asking honest and valid questions and I believe I have a right to do so....

khas143...chill out brother. Jcoppola is right on the money when he said the same tune has played over and over. He refers to the "Members" like you, that have been a member since 2005 and only have 99 posts yet think that you can come on here and complain about what Seth has to do. He refers to the fact that NO ONE is forcing you to be here, If you dont like it than we will show you the door. THATS the tune thats been playing over and over and frankly, Im tired of repeating it. I think a lot of you exist to just complain about things and stir the pot. Not a single one of you know whats involved with running a web site like this and the money needed to keep it afloat. Im willing to bet the donations Seth received was only enough to keep it running a month, maybe 2. You act as if the site should be running for a long time because of the donations a "Handfull" of people have made...your wrong.

Its Seths money, time, and effort that have provided the features that you like so much, why is it you feel you have the right to tell him he should have come to you the membership before he made this decision? The donation you made to keep the site running for one month??? Seth has kept this going for YEARS...Out of HIS POCKET, how dare you think you had the right to be warned before the decision was made. Its his site, not yours, if he has exhausted all other options and simply cant do it than its HIS right to do so, and he definately doesnt need any more stress from certain members who think they deserve more from a guy that has already given ALL HE HAD for the site.

Its these forums I log on for every day, and the wealth of information they hold. Seth said it himself, if its pictures you want to can still see them in these forums.

If you want to see the Incident alerts...They are still here, and the recent ones are posted at the top of the .net page and the first thing you see when you log on. Everything is still here, just located in these forums.

Sorry for the rant...its just with some people you give them an inch and suddenly they DEMAND a mile...they are never happy with what has been provided for them free of charge for 5 years now.

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I have not been a member fo very long but i am gonna miss the incidents on the right side of the web page i hope that will return . i really enjoyed reading the different counties as well as my own fires that were being dispatched!!!!

JHK3605, you can still see the incidents in the forums. Just go to the "Incident Alert" forum and they are all listed by region and area. If you have any problem let one of us know we will be happy to help you out. :)


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Guess no one remembers what this site was like when it fist got up and running. Was nothing compared to the last version. Do what you gotta do.

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Im gonna miss It had a great set up and easy to use. I am an avid user of the site and i am very dissappointed that it is no longer.

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I agree with you Rescue 17. I liked the main page b/c it was easy to use and search. But it seems like everything is still here. It just takes a little getting used to looking for it, but eventually you can find it.

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I guess I'm in the minority here. I never used .com as a gateway to the forums. I always come first. I actually found it a little annoying when there was a post on the forum advertising spy shots of some new apparatus, then only a link to .com. Then you had to hunt around to find them. SO my take on this, is do what you have to do. You gotta worry about #1 first.

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Seth, I too am going to miss the main site. It was like an old friend thats no longer around.

That being said, I respect your decision and appreciate the (I am guessing), thousands of hours and who knows how much of your personal money that you have put into this website in the past. I am one of the people with only a handful of posts, but that does not mean that I have not spent countless hours reading the posts and gaining different perspectives on things and adding to the proverbial "Toolbox" that I carry. This I got all for not a dime........

I would ask the people that are complaining about the donations and so called "False Advertising" this question.

Take the number of hours that you have ever been on this site whether it is just reading, contributing or complaining, and then divide that by the $ amount that you donated. I will bet it comes down to pennies. See if you can get that somewhere else, and if you can, as Moose said, "You know where the door is."

Thanks Seth for all that you have been able to give us, and I have no doubt that most of he people who visit the site respect your decision. Who knows, maybe in the future we will see something similar again.

Stay Safe All........

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I have the forums section saved in my favorite places. It brings me right here. What am I missing? If you mean the really crowded area when I sign on from another computer then good to close it down. I could never find how to sign on. I always had to click on a thread on the left hand side then log in from there.

Maybe you should also think about closing the other branches as well. I am on EMT AUSTIN, CHI TOWN and NE and there are very few posts or topics on there. Like a GHOST TOWN. I got yelled out by many members about donations awhile ago. Well, here ya go. Good Luck Seth. I hope that you get everything straighten out in the future.

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the reason i like .com is because it was easy to see incidents, new pics and dicussions and you could look at old pictures

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