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A busy Spring!

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As most of you are aware Mount Vernon has been busy this year. From Jan -May several fires have been fought with much discussion both positive and corrective, when I mention corrective it mostly pertains to the ongoing talk about mutual aid and not any trashing about fires or how they have been fought. As financial times continue to go down are we all going to see more fires because of the 2008 "depression". With home heating fuel at $4.50 gallon and gasoline most likely to hit $5.00/gal are we going to see an increase in fires? This can be a discussion which may remind some of the 70s and we as younger members might be able to learn from. What might we expect to see with alternate ways of heating from electric heaters to kerosene heaters. Is Arson going to be a part of the " depression"? Now I know we might not be able to compare this to the great depression from years ago but I would think that some situations that may occur will fall under the "History Repeats itself" category. Lets open this up into a positive learning forum. Thanks Hudson

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If the economy worsens, and financial situations continue to decline, there is a strong likely hood of an increase of fires of a suspicious nature. Some will resort to arson in an attempt to get out of a financial mess.

The FBI reported an increase in arson between 2005 and 2006, the 2007 numbers are not out yet...

There are people who will tamper with their gas and electric meters in an effort to reduce their energy bills, sometimes inadvertently creating hazardous situations for themselves, their neighbors and their property.

There are lots of articles out there, and here are two to get started:

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