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Alabama Sheriffs Feed Inmates on $1.75 a Day

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By JAY REEVES, Associated Press Writer2 hours, 21 minutes ago

Back in the day of chain gangs, Alabama passed a law that gave sheriffs $1.75 a day to feed each prisoner in their jails, and the sheriffs got to pocket anything that was left over. More than 80 years later, most Alabama counties still operate under this system, with the same $1.75-a-day allowance, and some sheriffs are actually making money on top of their salaries.

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it's obvious this system they have is a bit unethical, but futhermore how the hell does a reverand go to a jail to register prisoners to vote? :blink:

don't military personnel and prisoners NOT have freedoms??

Edited by jack10562
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So long as the food is fit for human consumption and there is enough to effectively feed an individual then kudos to Alabama for saving money.

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So long as the food is fit for human consumption and there is enough to effectively feed an individual then kudos to Alabama for saving money.

Ditto, "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime." I really could care less about the guys in jail. They don't have rights (or shouldn't) and tough feces if they don't like it.


Edited by Future Fireman

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Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona has been doing the same thing for years. Look him up, he has some very interesting programs.

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Ditto, "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime." I really could care less about the guys in jail. They don't have rights (or shouldn't) and tough feces if they don't like it.


Mike, I agree. But, with all the goody two shoes clowns out there, some of those inmates have more rights than you and I.

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How can anyone survive on $1.75 worth of food a day?!?! I mean I agree that they are criminals and don't deserve meals from a 5 star restaurant but seriously $1.75 a day AND people are making money off the deal!

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How can anyone survive on $1.75 worth of food a day?!?! I mean I agree that they are criminals and don't deserve meals from a 5 star restaurant but seriously $1.75 a day AND people are making money off the deal!

They buy everything in bulk, they probally have gardens like the prison in arizona does (and over there they only eat 2x daily). You gotta wonder if they stuff they buy might be leftover and has a little bit of time before it spoils. If you break down foods that are made in huge quanity's, the cost per serving would surprise you.

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it's obvious this system they have is a bit unethical, but futhermore how the hell does a reverand go to a jail to register prisoners to vote? :blink:

don't military personnel and prisoners NOT have freedoms??

Miltary personnel have limited rights because you sign a contract. And as a Gunnery Sergeant once told my unit when guys were complaining about a certain issue..."besides the fact you have no rights because you signed a contract....a few of you are right in one are Americans and you do have freedoms. You have the freedom to do whatever you like...just not while you're in the Marine Corps...unless you want to exercise your right to go UA (unauthorized absence). Then you a** will have less freedom while you're in the Brig."


Prisoners have tons of rights and restricted "freedoms." I seen nothing unethical about it. They are eating. All else fails give them MRE's. As far as the reverand...felons cannot vote..may have charged him with voter fraud, tampering, impeding a public process, etc.

I won't be losing any sleep tonight that's for sure.

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They buy everything in bulk, they probally have gardens like the prison in arizona does (and over there they only eat 2x daily). You gotta wonder if they stuff they buy might be leftover and has a little bit of time before it spoils. If you break down foods that are made in huge quanity's, the cost per serving would surprise you.

Exactly, there are a good number of meals you can make in bulk for next to nothing. The way I see it ... those out there serving our country are eating MRE's in the field in many locations, if the prisoners are getting slop with calories, I could care less.

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The meals given out in free lunch programs in schools average about $2 a piece. Stop worrying about appeal and presentation and its very conceivable to feed someone on less than $2 a day.

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Mike, I agree. But, with all the goody two shoes clowns out there, some of those inmates have more rights than you and I.

And that is why I hate politicians!


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its very conceivable to feed someone on less than $2 a day.

not when certain people are pocketing the $$.

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They buy everything in bulk, they probally have gardens like the prison in arizona does (and over there they only eat 2x daily). You gotta wonder if they stuff they buy might be leftover and has a little bit of time before it spoils. If you break down foods that are made in huge quanity's, the cost per serving would surprise you.

Yea I guess thats true never really thought of that. I am sure they aren't buying fresh food either that probably saves them money as well.

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