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How to respond to a investigation with a light tower?

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here is the situation: u are called for your rescue, light tower, light truck, w/e it is, to a scene that investigaters are on that need light. everyone has already been takin out of the cars and trucks and takin to the hospital. so there is no true emergency. Would u respond to this incident with lights and seirns like any other call? or with lights and obeying all traffic laws or with no lights and no seirns?

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No lights, no sirens. Turn on the emergency lights to keep you guys safe when operating.

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in this senario, a "10-20" response would work because there is no emergency and the police are just 'borrowing your services.' having the emergency lights on or at least some scene/arrowstick lights on is a good idea as well.

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No lights no siren... There is no longer an emergency where you are going.

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First in any scenario a "10-20" response applies. It states "procede with caution." If your department has a SOG that 10-20 specifically means no lights no sirens, then by your department SOG's that is what you do.

This is another no-brainer, there is no TRUE EMERGENCY. I can't say that enough. Anytime your gonna ask that question about response you have to ask yourself, is there a TRUE EMERGENCY. Pretty clear on this one too, no there is not. They will be there for hours, the few seconds you would arrive there a bit sooner isn't gonna change the investigation is it?

As far as having emergency lights on scene, actually they are finding the less the better. PD should have that scene well secured if they are performing an investigation. Shut your lights down, except maybe your parking lights, not blinding or having your nfpa 1901 light package and for some you the upgrades you put on it further blinding people actually will help. PD should have plenty of lights going to warn people including good traffic control.

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I would say to respond in non-emergency mode. Once on scene, utilize every flood light / work light you have to illuminate your work area. Put anyone on scene in highly visible gear, like vests. Black gear doesn't cut it for me. Also, give yourself a safe work area that is clearly marked. If possible, close the entire area off in which you are working.

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It's quite obvious,that from the initial call,no emergency exists,therefore,NO LIGHTS,NO SIREN.

However,here is something everyone should consider,if you are called to the scene to assist Pd,to light up a scene,it's a crime scene.

A crime scene is considered off-limits..The PD should have a controlled entry, with a written log of who enters, and the purpose of such entry. Not to mention the possibility of contamination of personnel and the loss of evidence.Members entering the scene can and usually are called as witnesses in major cases,so limit access!!

An officer of the FD,should make contact with someone in charge and get info on where to set up and limit FD access.

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