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it is in my assinine ( i like this word now)

You might consider spelling it correctly if you like it so much! :P Sorry, I couldn't resist!

As for this whole campaign and election nightmare, I'm disgusted by the antics of both parties and their so-called platforms. Instead of promoting ideas to correct the deficiencies (real or perceived) in the current administration and explaining what they'll do if elected, all they do is point fingers and blame the other party for everything that is wrong with this Country today.

Every politician has skeletons in his/her closet and will do almost anything for a photo op so all the "he said, she said" stuff is getting very tiring. There are only about two months until the election. Now would be good time to start holding both sides to the issues and demanding answers to how they're going to right the course of the great nation and correct all the things that have already been identified as issues.

And the media is to blame for much of this. They put so much spin on things (depending on which network you watch or newspaper you read) that its hard to figure out where the news begins and ends and where the editorial commentary begins and ends. What happened to the days of simply reporting the news and letting the viewers/readers formulate our own opinions? Now we have to our opinions stated to us by a pretty face in front of a teleprompter? Come on!

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Chris....we think way to I'm still waiting for a ride along if I can by the way.

Vacguy...I get what your saying brother. However in Alaska apparantly it is not a problem in regard to:

a legal portion, as well as a moral/ethical/sportsman-like angle.

While Alaska is deemed an "individualistic" political culture along with us here in NY, their way of life and thinking is as much different as the terrain and weather. You cannot hold anyone to the same "angle" unless they are extremely close to the same sociodemographical background as you.

And yet again I have to say that I wouldn't hunt an animal out of a helicopter...I don't hunt at all, its not my should I not vote for her because she does and I have no desire to hunt and kill a defenseless, hapless beautiful animal? Does that make you less moral then me? I don't find that very sportsman like at all. Did it make me unmoral, unethical and unsportsman to be dropped into an area by helicopter and "hunt" the highest of all species in the animal kingdom? I don't lose sleep over you hunting defenseless animals and I certainly don't lose sleep about my service and I certainly don't look at her any different for what is an accepted practice in that region of our nation.

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Chris....we think way to I'm still waiting for a ride along if I can by the way.

Vacguy...I get what your saying brother. However in Alaska apparantly it is not a problem in regard to:

While Alaska is deemed an "individualistic" political culture along with us here in NY, their way of life and thinking is as much different as the terrain and weather. You cannot hold anyone to the same "angle" unless they are extremely close to the same sociodemographical background as you.

And yet again I have to say that I wouldn't hunt an animal out of a helicopter...I don't hunt at all, its not my should I not vote for her because she does and I have no desire to hunt and kill a defenseless, hapless beautiful animal? Does that make you less moral then me? I don't find that very sportsman like at all. Did it make me unmoral, unethical and unsportsman to be dropped into an area by helicopter and "hunt" the highest of all species in the animal kingdom? I don't lose sleep over you hunting defenseless animals and I certainly don't lose sleep about my service and I certainly don't look at her any different for what is an accepted practice in that region of our nation.

very well put. thanks

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1. It completely negates the Republican argument that Obama is inexperienced. At least in Obama's case, his nomination can be blamed on people from Iowa and Idaho and what not. The nomination of an even less qualified individual, in this case, falls squarely on Senator McCain. Senator McCain had a slew of much better qualified, and in my opinion, better candidates to choose from. I think the Republicans now have no position to argue Obama's inexperience from any longer.

While the Vice Presidentail pick is important because they MAY one day inhabit the Oval Office SHOULD something happen to the President, many people and especially the media are overlooking (either intentionally or unintentionally) one very important FACT. Barak Obama is running against John McCain for the Presidency not Sarah Palin. When these two candidates are compared there is absolutely NO DOUBT as to who is BETTER QUALIFIED. Like I stated in an earlier post she MAY become President if elected, but he WILL become President. The only vald question is whether or not HE is qualified and experienced enough to be President starting in January vis a vis John McCain, the Republican nominee who if elected will be President in Jan. Therefore Obama's experience or lack thereof is of much more immediate importance than Sarah Palin's. Comparing the two is like the proverbial apples and oranges.

I put my faith in the belief that my candidate for President...John McCain...will complete his first term, and during his tenure Sarah Palin will gain whatever experience she may be lacking. In truth even if Palin were running against Obama she would still get my vote based on her experience over his.


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Here's an interesting take on Palin's foriegn affairs/defense experience.

Here again I find myself in agreement with the Republican ticket, when looking at her credientials vs. Obama's

Remember too that as far as the widely unpopular war in Iraq is concerned, both Republican candidates have family members on ACTIVE duty in the armed forces and headed to Iraq. The Democratic hopefuls don't. To me the Republican ideal of victory even at the risk of personal loss is far more in line with my beliefs than the Democratic cut and run stratedgy proposed by Obama.


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