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x635-"I'm Going To San Diego"

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Just so everybody is aware when people are looking for me, lol.

Providing I do not chicken out and not get on the plane (I LOVE to fly and love airplanes, but my other personality is terrified of flying), I will be flying JetBlue to San Diego tommorow morning, where I will be staying until Thursday evening. This trip also has do with my pursuit/dream of a Firefighter/Paramedic career in Los Angeles County.

Although 1 night and 1 day will be spent in LA (LA is quickly becoming my second home, lol , this trip will primarily focus on San Diego....I've never been to San Diego before.

So if anybody's looking for me, or wondering why there is a delay in my reply to them via PM or email, that's why. And I hope nobody will be emailing me to complain about slow updates to the site while I'm away, lol! And although I will be checking in here a couple of times a day, I'm not going to spend several hours as I do each day updating the site and answering emails when I'm in California....I'm going to try and devote as much time as possible to enjoying the area and seeing the sites, and taking care of business. Don't fret though, updates will resume next weekend.

Special thanks to Truck4 and CODE3RND for their tremendous help in planning my trip.

Although it's rainy season out there, I hope to get some good photos to share with you guys upon my return.

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Have a SAFE trip and a GREAT time out there! Enjoy and be safe!!!!!

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Thanks DOC.

I just spoke with one of my friends out there (he's from NY out there visiting) who said it's raining, and absolutely miserable. January is rainy season out there. I'm mainly going out on business, so hopefully my next time out will be nice and sunny again.

Grrrrr. Well, I will try and get as many Fire apparatus and other photos as I can. I hope for at least one sunny day.

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Thanks DOC.

I just spoke with one of my friends out there (he's from NY out there visiting) who said it's raining, and absolutely miserable. January is rainy season out there. I'm mainly going out on business, so hopefully my next time out will be nice and sunny again. 

Grrrrr. Well, I will try and get as many Fire apparatus and other photos as I can. I hope for at least one sunny day.

Hope you bring some sunshine out there with you!

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Have fun and stay Safe

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have a safe trip and good luck wit your job hunting

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Seth good luck out there, hopefully it will not rain too much . Hope the flight was good as well, Gina posted the number to apt. on the e mail she sent out. Enjoy all your favorite food as well.

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Have fun, good luck, and TAKE LOTS OF GREAT PICTS!!!

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