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NY Law Enforcement Explorer Stations Day

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NY Law Enforcement Explorer Stations Day is being held at the Westchester County Police Academy this Saturday. For those of you who don't know, "stations day" is a day of competition and training for law enforcement Explorers who are put in realistic scenarios and are graded by area police officers on their performance.

I just got an email, apparently I got "drafted" to represent Danbury on New England's travel team, which is going to the event. This is a unit I haven't actually dealt with before, so we'll see how that goes, hopefully well. Any other Explorers on this forum going? I'll be bringing my camera, so hopefully I'll be able to put up some good shots of the days events. Best of luck to everyone.

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I believe the event is being run by the Greenburgh PD Explorers.

Best of luck to everyone as I can't come down to be of any assistance. The program has come a long way from when I joined in 2003 and left as Captain in 2006.

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GPD, from what I've seen what you are saying is correct. I believe our advisors provided alot of the guidance for yours in the form of SOPs and the Manual. Greenburgh is definitely a first rate Post. Hopefully NE Regional Team will be taking home all of your precious awards, haha! Too bad you can't make it brother, stay safe.

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Haha you too brother. From what I've heard there are a lot of new posts down here that are going to give you veteran guys a run for your money. Stay safe.

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Probably the Northeast Regional Station's Day. Suffolk County has 2 posts that usually clean house, Greenburgh usually puts in a good showing as well. Not to toot my own horn, but Danbury has always finished strong, considering our small size in years past (we've done ALOT of growing in the past year, my current roster is over 40) The best 3 posts from each Northeast State get invited to regionals. Always a good time for the veteran explorers to have some friendly competition, and the rookie explorers can always go through stations to practice without being graded. A great training opportunity for all involved. Also a very good place to make connections.

Anyway, the Northeast Regional Team on Saturday is going to be composed of 1 Danbury Explorer (me,) 1 Easy Lyme Explorer, and 3 CT State Police Troop K Explorers. I've never worked with the Troop kids, so wish us luck.

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So this thing is like westchester day but it's for police exlorers instead of fire explorers.

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That sounds about right. The Connecticut one and NE Regional one has gotten very elaborate, though I think this is the first or second annual NY State one. CT/Regionals also include Honor Guard, Mountain Bike, Firearms, Judgemental Driving, and several other specialty competitions.


Edited by SageVigiles

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That looks cool, from what i read it slooks like you do police, swat/esu stuff

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From when I used to go to CT Stations Day and the regional competitions, here are some examples of what goes on:

2 man teams:

Traffic Stop

Felony Stop

First Aid

Unkown Response

Domestic Dispute

High Stress Situations

Shoot/Don't Shoot

Individual Competitors:

Mountain Bike

Obstacle Course

Judgemental Driving

Shooting Range

Firearms (shooting range)

4 man teams:

Crime Scene Investigation

Hostage Negotiation

At the end of the day there was the cruiser push in which 4 explorers pushed a cruiser with an explorer behind the wheel and a staff member in the passenger seat a certain amount of feet for the best time.

Awards were given out at the end of the day in the auditorium of the CT State Police Academy.

I'm sure there were more events as I'm going off the top of my head, and I'm sure some may have changed. SageVigiles might be able to add more.

Edited by gpdexplorer

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Its all on the website I linked to earlier. We do some ESU/SWAT training, my post especially, since the ESU uses us for roleplayers in their scenarios, they give us a chance to run through the scenarios, as well as observe what and how they do what they do. My post more focuses on patrol division training though, its more commonly used stuff, especially in my post where we do alot of traffic, crowd control and security stuff.

Edited by SageVigiles

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I feel like garbage right now, food poisoning. Will post later.

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Alright, now that I'm feeling better, here's the rundown.

Milford, MA Police Explorers took 1st place overall, they cleaned house. Westchester County PD Explorers also did very well. Only 9 posts attended, but hopefully next year it will grow.

Northeast Regional Law Enforcement Explorer Association (NERLEEA) Travel Team was represented by the following:

1 Captain from Danbury (myself)

1 Captain from East Lyme

1 Lieutenant and 2 Explorers from Troop K

1 Explorer from Tuckahoe PD who we "drafted" once we got there to field a third random team.

The team won 3rd place in Leadership Reaction (a teamwork/obstacle/problem solving exercise)

Myself and the CSP-K Lieutenant took 1st place in Shoot/Don't Shoot (FATS Simulator) and 2nd place in Suspicious person response.

The East Lyme Captain took 3rd in Career Development and with the CSP-K Explorer took 2nd in either Unknown Response or Customer Dispute, can't quite remember.

The other CSP-K Trooper and the Tuckahoe Explorer took 2nd in First Aid I believe.

One of the CSP-K Troopers took 2nd in the Obstacle Course (Males.)

I definitely look forward to going to NY Station's Day next year, hopefully bringing my whole post.

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I also have some pictures of the Westchester County SOD Marine 3, Greenburgh Child Passenger Safety Unit, Greenburgh C.E.R.T. van, and the Patrol Services International Pickup (towed the driving simulator trailer for the day) which I will post when I find my camera, which is located somewhere in my car.

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