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Fire Safety Officers

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How many department have, and utilize a SAFETY Officer on scene, on a regular basis?

What are their qualifications?

What are their roles on scenes?

Are they a help, or a hinderance?

Are they considered a line Officer?

My department has several, past Chief's who have good knowledge, although not all are active enought to respond regularly. The one that does is top notch, and old school Chief.

Just looking to see how other deparmtnets run....

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In my department a Safety officer can be any chief officer, and they are assigned either by dispatch or the IC when they get on scene.

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Maybe make it about safety officer's using blue lights ?????

Hmmmmmmm...or maybe SO's not wearing waist straps.... :D

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Hmmmmmmm...or maybe SO's not wearing waist straps.... :D

Now there'll be 60 posts attacking our sarcasm. :lol:

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Now there'll be 60 posts attacking our sarcasm. :lol:

Chris nrfd has a full time health and safety officer. at the moment the rank is Lt he had to go to school in Fla FDSOA to be certified and he is required to respond (while on duty) to all incidents that he is needed for. He is notified when off duty if he is needed to respond. Good to have when you go M/A to the scene as an extra set of eyes and ears.

But as health and safety he is responsible for more that just incidents. medicals, exposure reports, uniforms, hose tests etc.

and it is a learning experience at the scene of an incident if he is doing his job "right" he can make it difficult to do our job right. ;)

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Safety officers, when trained correctly are a great asset. ISO's should have a good fireground background, along with training in the following:

building construction

Fire Behavior



Fire Officer I/II

just to name a few. They should know how to read smoke/fire, and have a great deal of experience.

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Veteran Firefighters with many incidents under their belt. All ex-officers, almost all have taken the Fire Safety Officer course I believe. They have a lot of classes and expertise within their basin of knowledge.

They are a help, and they are not considered line officers.

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