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Need Video camera ideas please'

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Looking to get into videoing my hunts more this year - and am on the hunt for a all purpose camera for that, plus use for the family, as well as my other hobby - fire department photography.

I would mostly be uploading them online and burning my own DVD's to watch.

What stye camera should I look for - and I would LOVE to have a GL2 or something similar - but right now that is not possible. I am keeping a watchful eye on ebay and Craigslist though! Looking to keep it arounf $500 or so.

Which format hould I get? One that records to DVD, MINI-DV, or internal hardrive?

Also - I am looking for a video editing program - free and cheap are good, but not a priority. Any reccomendations?

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We just bought the Sony Hybrid- DVD810. I used to get more info.

The 810 records on DVD, SD card, and internal memory. You can take stills but the MP are only 1.0.

If your going to use it for Hunting look for the low light capabilities. K

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I have a Sony Cybershot that shoots excellent quality stills with a great zoom. also has an MPG video recording setting.

I also have a Sony Handicam for video with excellent quality video. It is hard drive (40 GB) and holds alot of video time. Poor quality still shots can be done (1.0 megapixel). This came with a small video and picture editing software. Works Ok for what I do.

Both easy to use. Let me know if you want to see them.

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Thanks for the replies guys - Jeff- I may take you up on that when I get back to work this week - thnaks.,

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