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Westchester County, NY Police

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Does anyone here know if the County Police has any tactical channels for operations, talkaround, radar, surveilence, etc. other then 155.310?

If you have anything, please let me know. I dont ever hear them on 155.550 either. Do they just stay on the main channel all the time?

Also, do they plan to go to the new UHF system beng planned?

Please let me know if you can help

Thanks in advance

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The new UHF trunked system is only for Fire/EMS and the county bus system. County or other PD's were not designed into this system. Dispatch Agencies (i.e. PD), hospitals and FD base stations will be provided with base radios.

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They have a "talk around" channel on 155.310. This frequency does not go through the repeater, so you can only hear car-to-car conversations within close range.


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And of course Nextels and cell phones like everybody else.....

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yeah, we only have 1 channel...however the t/a is the same channel not repeated but we were recently able to communicate with units working along the smrp in yonkers on a perp search involving aviation and k9...they are apparently looking into a plan to well we do have a channel 3 (?) it is used when the repeaters are down on ch 1...don't know the frequency...

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WCPD has (or at least had) 155.55 if that helps...

I have no idea if they still use it - pretty sure that is the F3 referred to above - a little hard to hear from chicago.

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