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Boston EMT Shoots, Then Treats

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I hope he gets off. This guy shoots better under the influence then most guys I know sober!

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I hope he gets off. This guy shoots better under the influence then most guys I know sober!

Let me get this right. You hope that some one that carries a deadly weapon under the influance of alcahol gets off??????

So if he had been drunk and behind the wheel of a car had hit and almost killed your wife or child would you still state that you hope he gets off.

Sorry but I hope they throw the book at him. Carrying a firearm and drinking do not mix at all if you are going to go drinking leave the weapon at home.

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no one under the influence should be carrying a firearm. He stated he kept it locked in his car, ok, but he should have never thought about it. UNLESS, he was truthfully in grave danger. I know in CT though if I was in my car, I would have to drive off rather than shoot. but then again he'd be driving drunk so its kind of a vicious circle. too bad it happened though. I hope the two men survive.

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He stated he kept it locked in his car

Locking a handgun in the glove box of a vehicle does not meet legal requirements for properly securing a handgun. A co-worker of mine had his car stolen with a loaded handgun in the glove box and he lost his permit and was charged with a misdemeanor charge however I can't remember the exact charge.

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Locking a handgun in the glove box of a vehicle does not meet legal requirements for properly securing a handgun. A co-worker of mine had his car stolen with a loaded handgun in the glove box and he lost his permit and was charged with a misdemeanor charge however I can't remember the exact charge.

true I agree. I should have been a little more thorough in my post. My apologies.

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First and foremost not everything fits so nicely into black and white. FF Ford..I understand your point totally. While not being "properly secured" I would have to say outside of the additional events of this story...a firearm locked in a vehicle is still a lot more secure then having it on a person who is intoxicated. I'm simple..if I know I'm going to drink I don't carry...if I think I'm going to drink...I don't carry...I have even not gone out after hours because I was carrying..however if I did, chances are I would unload the weapon and take my chances with it in my vehicle as best as possible.

Also in regard to roof's comment...I think your taking it a little to literally 64FF...I even had to take a little inner occupational humor giggle...if half of the church goers shot and hit people like this guy did...that would be some friggin body count. So I get the humor.

So does this mean when he gets out of jail he will have a fundraiser for the two he shot?

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This topic is being closed since this story is about a guy who got into a situation off duty, and not as a result of his employment as an EMT.

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