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Attention all Putnam Volunteers!

2 posts in this topic

Hi all,

My name is Jeff and I am starting a column for The Putnam Examiner weekly newspaper. This column is targeted to help increase awareness for volunteer emergency services – primarily, but not limited to FD's, VAC's and Police Auxiliary.

While reading the newspaper a few weeks ago I began to think, I was thinking about a new column idea it. The idea I had was for interviewing local volunteer emergency personnel on a (hopefully) monthly basis - a "volunteer of the month", so to speak. This would give recognition to the volunteer on a personal level, as well as the agency as a whole.

In the spirit of promoting volunteerism, I am doing this monthly project voluntarily as well. I myself am also a volunteer in an ambulance corps in Westchester. The reason why I am doing this column in the Putnam edition is simply because the Putnam editor seemed to like it and has agreed to it. The Westchester editions aren't necessarily a dead concept yet, so I hope to extend this to Westchester newspapers as well!

What I ask of I EMTBravo Putnam volunteers is to consider a volunteer. One of any age, gender and any rank – there is no discrimination to anyone for this. Please let them know you are considering them, and ask them to please email me with their name, age, volunteer agency name and a brief bio as to what got you to volunteer - why you chose FD/EMS/PD and any other info to help me chose the volunteer for that month, something unique. If someone you know is too humble, email me for them!

Know that I cannot chose everyone and that I may not respond to every email if this becomes a hit; but I do promise to read every single email that is sent to me. Also, please know that it is my hopes that this column is printed each month, but it is not a guarantee. I hope to get this printed in February, it's all up to the publisher!

Please email me at

From there we can establish a date and time to meet. We will have a mini photo shoot of that person wearing their uniform or turnout gear and begin the interview! I hope to interview 2-4 people per month, to stay ahead of the newspapers schedule

The Putnam Examiner publishes 5,000 copies of this newspaper weekly, as well as 10,500 copes for two different Westchester publications. It is a FREE paper supported by advertising and I urge everyone to pick up a copy each week! Please view the website to see where the closed drop-off location is!

Thank in advance for everyone and anyone who in interested in this!

This posting was allowed and approved by Seth G on 1/14/10.

Thanks again Seth!

x635, chris and hv911 like this

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