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EMT-B Backup Communications Plan

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In case EMT-B is terminated. Those interested should make every effrt to communicate important info by another means, and also to possibly resurrect EMT-B.

Off the top of my head, facebook is a possibility and can be done by creating a group onFB. We would have to use our real names, and cut out some of the BS, but it at least it will keep us in some semblence of communications.

It wouldn't be anything near the caliber of EMT-B but at least it is a communications system. My Facebook is Bill Raftery, my e-mail is

If anyone else has a better plan, now's the time to throw it on the table.

I see this as only a temporary measure. I picture Seth making a comeback somewhere in the future.

It must be the IC in me, but we need to maintain comms while we are in this "Defensive Mode" and account for our members lest we lose touch.

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It must be the IC in me, but we need to maintain comms while we are in this "Defensive Mode" and account for our members lest we lose touch.

"IC"...Does that stand for 'Internet Connection' ??????

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"IC"...Does that stand for 'Internet Connection' ??????

No, it means "I'm Confused"

Our other organiation is

Shift Commanders United for Mutual Benefit And Guidance

(Spell out the capital letters)

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Well done, Chief, It appears we can shelve the back-up comm plan, for the time being anyway.

It was much more than a drill, since today's incident had many an unexpected turn of events.

We have a good handle on those who are not Shift Commanders.

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