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Jack Daniels Fire Brigade

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Back in August, i spent my yearly week on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This year, we decided to do a week in Nashville, Tenn following our week in NC.

We rented a car and took the trip to the Jack Daniels distillery in Lynchburg. While on the tour, we came accross an open-barn type garage that housed antique fire apparatus that was used by the distillery's Fire Brigade. Only got 2 pictures and couldnt get closer for better ones.

The distillery also operates a modern pumper, which is housed at a different facility just down the road. Unfortunately, our tour guide could not find a fire brigade member to bring us to the other facility.

Interesting piece of info regarding the distillery; it is in Lynchburg, Tennessee and it happens to be in a "dry" County. No alcohol can be sold or consumed within the County. The Jack Daniels distillery is only allowed to sell bottles of their product on site because they are considered "souviners."



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