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Excavator buried in sand and clay - Antelope Island State Park, UT

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These are photos of a situation I came across this past fall in Antelope Island State Park which is located just north of Salt Lake City, UT...... I was driving through the park when out of the corner of my eye, I spotted what appeared to be an Excavator buried in the sand on the beach...... I turned the car around for another look and I was not hallucinating....... I did see an Excavator buried in the sand..... The story I was told was that a couple had set out to go out in the lake with their kayaks and had driven their Ford 4x4 pick up onto the beach..... As they made it onto the beach, the truck sunk into the sand/clay and they were now stuck and unable to get out...... They called a friend with another truck and he came out to help and also became stuck..... They then called another friend with an excavator to get them out and he also became stuck...... Actually he became buried....... As I was leaving, the news media satellite trucks were descending on the scene....... They were able to get the trucks out using rolls of chain link fence under the trucks tires but I am not sure how they got the excavator out.....Someone later told me they had to get a crane and lift it out..... As they say, No good deed goes unpunished....


I saw what appeared to be an excavator buried in the sand out of the corner of my eye as I drove into the park.....


I wasn't seeing things.....


As I pushed through the brush to get close, I noticed that these spiders were everywhere......The hell with the deer ticks!!!!!!:o!!!!!


I also came across this mule deer who seemed to be curious as to what all the commotion was.....


Wow, this isn't good.....


Working to free the original truck.....


These guys were headed towards the action too.....


This guy stopped for a drink.....


Everybody's helping out....... I'm not sure if its true, but I was told by a friend who lives nearby that they lifted it out with a crane..... I just hope the excavator owner had a "friend"

Edited by Photounit
CFFD117, JetPhoto, x635 and 1 other like this

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Bill, I love how you always narrate incidents along with your photo's. Most fires you attend, the stories are well told through pictures alone, and your words only aid them.

Without the actual story here, I would have had no idea what was going on/what someone was thinking when it occurred. For all I knew, I would have guessed it was someone who decided to take it for a joy ride after enjoying a couple "adult beverages"!

I guess it could have ended worse...


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Awesome photos....beautiful scenery!! If I got stuck at that beach I don't know if I'd want to leave.

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