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Jon Stewart - James Zadroga 9/11 Health Act

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That hits the F%$# nail on the head. I am not a terrorist. I spent my time on the Pile, and luckily, so far, have only had minor problems (PTSD, and sinus problems) compared to what some of my co-workers are going through. I am really getting disgusted with the way our government is acting. I really am beginning to believe it is time for a Second American Revolution. No more Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Tea Party, but we the voters need to look at what the candidates are about. Elect only those that put country above all else. No more multiple term members, if we can have term limits on the President, then we should have them on Congress as well. Eliminate their pensions and life time health benefits for serving just one term. The current government (not just Obama, but his predecessors, Bush(s) Clinton, etc.) have given away money like crazy, and never once checked the recipients like this. Why start now?

Edited by grumpyff
JohnnyOV, ny10570, JM15 and 2 others like this

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That hits the F%$# nail on the head. I am not a terrorist. I spent my time on the Pile, and luckily, so far, have only had minor problems (PTSD, and sinus problems) compared to what some of my co-workers are going through. I am really getting disgusted with the way our government is acting. I really am beginning to believe it is time for a Second American Revolution. No more Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Tea Party, but we the voters need to look at what the candidates are about. Elect only those that put country above all else. No more multiple term members, if we can have term limits on the President, then we should have them on Congress as well. Eliminate their pensions and life time health benefits for serving just one term. The current government (not just Obama, but his predecessors, Bush(s) Clinton, etc.) have given away money like crazy, and never once checked the recipients like this. Why start now?

Well said...@ Grumpyff

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I agree 'Grumpyff'. I've been a member of the GOP for 35 years. Over that period of time, the GOP has more & more become the party of wealthy CEO's. Early on I wondered why these rich draft dodgers would want a job that paid less than $200,000; then the reason became obvious: the goal of the GOP is to elect a sufficient number of rich corporate types so as to be able to crush the middle class by ridding the country of unions, privatizing government services, ending defined benefit pensions, reducing or eliminating employer support for medical benefits and cutting taxes for wealthy Americans and wealthy corporations on the backs of the middle class. These are the same politicians who sought out every chance for a photo op with their arm around the shoulder of a cop or firefighter post 9/11. They all suck.

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