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Guest AdamB

10-13 Live Music Fundraiser for 9/11 First Responders

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What: 10-13 Fundraising/Awareness Event for 9/11 First Responders featuring LIVE BANDS

When: Sunday November 20th, 2011 - 12 Noon to 7 PM

Where: Murphy's (355 Kear Street, Yorktown Heights, NY)

Hi everybody,

I am a musician and producer based out of Westchester and I am currently organizing a 10-13 benefit event to help raise funds but more importantly awareness for 9/11 First Responders suffering from health complications as an effect of their heroism. I was recently made aware that there is still a lot of red tape and and reluctance to help out these guys and I think that public will have to lead the charge to make sure we give help where it is deserved.

I am working in conjunction with Murphys ( and the School of Rock, Westchester ( to put together a free live music day featuring local Westchester bands as well as some on the rise acts from NYC. This is a family event and is open to everybody with the intention of raising funds through donations, raffles, a silent auction, t-shirt sales, etc. Furthermore, I'm asking every band to donate a percentage of their profits from sale of memorabilia to the cause as well.

We would love to have as many Emergency Services members present as possible in that this is really an event for them. My Uncle is a chief and recommended that I reach out to your forums, so here I am! The event is going to take place at MURPHY'S (355 Kear Street, Yorktown Heights, NY) on SUNDAY NOVEMBER 20th from 12 NOON to 7 PM.

**** We are currently looking for ORGANIZATIONS who will be beneficiaries of the money we raise. If you are affiliated with or know of appropriate groups who can help us get the aid to the those in need, please, please, please contact me as soon as possible! ****


Adam Bernier


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