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Brown SCBA strap

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I was looking at my Scott AP50 I own after storing it for the last five years and realized that one of the straps had turned brown from getting too hot during usage. It's not a big area, but should I take it out of service and not wear it for live burn trainings until the strap is replaced, or is it still good to use? I've seen other packs over the last decade that you could've sworn came with brown straps and they were still in service.


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Your best bet is to contact SCOTT and ask them what they recommend. It shouldn't be a huge issue as long as the fabric is not brittle...I've used ones like this on packs at a busy training center with constant live burn and all the straps were like that...which for us the fabric was was the dye that used to make it black that turned colors. Better the strap then your turnout gear...which when that happened the manufacturer had me bring it to one of their sales reps who inspected it did some "tests" which I didn't get to see and they told me it was just the dye turned colors...and gave me the keep an eye on the fabric speech.

Also if its been stored for 5 years...I'm guessing the cylinder(s) need hydro. You need to have that pack serviced as well and flow tested...have them look at the strap and/or replace it while its there anyway.

Edited by alsfirefighter
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In having previous experiences with similar situations, I was told that it was just the dye changing color. This is also minor change, not a large area, or concentrated 'damage' to one area.

As alsfirefighter said, still could not hurt to contact Scott direct, or, your distributor for your product.

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I have asked this question before. The brown is the dye changine color due to heat exposure. As long as the fabric is OK (Not brittle or cracks when you rub it between your fingers) If it cracks or is brittle, it is bad and needs to be fixed by replacement

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Like the others said it should be okay if the strap material is not breaking down. It should be the dye changing color. But I would get everything checked out anyway to be safe.

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Thanks a lot guys. When I say stored, it's been kept in the corner of my house collecting dust, thankfully not in a storage unit or anywhere else. Yes, I do need to get the cylinder a new hydro date and the pack tested. Everything looks good on the outside, but it could all be different of course inside. I've always thought the discoloration didn't mean anything either, then a battalion chief in the town I live in gave an SCBA course to my FD and said anything like that needs to be taken out of service. My next step is finding the place that deals with Scott. I live in central Kentucky and its big MSA country here.

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