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EMT Badges

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Okay, I'm a buff and I admit it, but I want to get an EMT badge and I was wondering if there are any rules governing the badges that New York EMTs can/should get? Is there a particular style, color, or center seal that is required/forbidden/usual? I'd appreciate any help that I can get on this subject. Thanks.

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Depends on what you will be using it for. If you will be staying with the same agency, then you might want to go through them and ask them to get you one (offer to pay) with their name, and that it says EMT and your number on it. However, if you may not be in the same place all the time, maybe you want to get a more generic, NYS EMT one. I have a gold detective style (gold, looks like the sun on top--that's the best way to describe it--and the number on the bottom) badge like that. It has the NYS seal in the middle and says Emergency Medical Technician around the outside. My number is on the bottom. Some people would suggest that you shouldn't have gold unless you are an officer within an agency, but most people I know that have badges have this style. Take into consideration whatever other "bling bling" you have for your nice uniform. If it's gold, then go with the gold badge, if they are silver, go with silver. You might find yourself ordering more than just the badge if things don't match.

Also, when going to order it (there are a few stores) be sure to have your EMT card with you and your driver's license. If you want to order from a company directly, they will most likely tell you that you need to go through the people you work for, otherwise they can't do it. They usually only work with clients that are agencies. Brother's (The Police Store) or that place in Armonk (I forget the name) are two places where you can order them from. They will ask to see ID and proof that you are the level of certification that you are ordering the badge for.

You can also use a company like galls, but the selection is much less, but if you like something go for it. You can order those online or by phone/fax, but you have to send in an order form with proof of certification and ID as well.

Hope that helps...

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Why do you need a badge-or, why do you feel the need for a badge? With all the badge-toters running around, I find that for all intents and purposes you get taken LESS seriously unless it's an issued badge WITH credentials.

If it ain't a REAL badge, why bother?

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I don't give much attention to badges on EMS people, but I have to admit, it's gotten me out of a few tickets in the past. That I can see as the only advantage of having one. For professional courtesy. People running around with them on a chain undercover style or on thier belts when off duty are just whackers.

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badges, we don't need no stinking badges

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If you badge stinks, then you're probably keeping it in the wrong place. :twisted:

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Thank you Captain Obvious.

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I don't give much attention to badges on EMS people, but I have to admit, it's gotten me out of a few tickets in the past. That I can see as the only advantage of having one. For professional courtesy. People running around with them on a chain undercover style or on thier belts when off duty are just whackers.

this is true it sometimes gets you out of some tickets and it is silly to wear like your an "under cover EMT" lol

but i like it because it shows how hard i work to get ,and a sence of pride to show so my friends that i can help them or anyone in they time of need ,and i know not everyone agreeds with me ,but we are all here to help people. and that one way to show how proud i am to do that =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

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Why do you need a badge-or, why do you feel the need for a badge?  With all the badge-toters running around, I find that for all intents and purposes you get taken LESS seriously unless it's an issued badge WITH credentials. 

If it ain't a REAL badge, why bother?

i am a fan of a badge but it is part of my uniform. espeacially post 9/11 i think emt's should have badges WITH THEIR EMT NUMBER ON IT so if it comes down to it, it can be verified. local hospitals around me make u wear a form of ems personel identification. a badge is a nother form of identification. also if you stop to help somebody on the side of the road coming home one day, its a nice thing to show them your badge, it gives them a little sense of safety

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Just a quick note, I would be wary sometimes of wearing a badge when you're working (especially in some districts). While it may not be much of an issue in Northern Westchester, it certainly can be in lots of places in southern westchester. When you have a badge on your navy blue uniform, you look like a cop. While in a case or two, that may be a good thing, most times, it's probably not. That's not degrading to law enforcement (make sure you get my point right), but many calls you are sent on, looking like a cop, would certainly be a disadvantage. Many of the people you deal with simply don't like cops, or care to deal with them, for whatever reasons. Note, this is not granny who's weak and dizzy, but it certainly applies to your stabbing victim. On the flipside, when you hear gunshots as you're pulling up to a scene (or some scene becomes unsafe at somepoint), the last thing the public likes to see is "cops" moving the other direction. It just makes you look like something you're not, and that is not a good thing... keep it for your car, or formal events, or parades or whatever, but I wouldn't wear it while working unless you're required to...

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good post on a different angle to view this topic.

i hadent thought about that in the slightest bit. i am in southern westchester but if i worked in yonkers or the south bronx i would take your advice. i remember a while back in EMT class when i took it they said the same thing. but since i am in a "good neighborbood" i havent really thought about it

thanks for your post

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Personally, i do own an EMS badge, but it has sat in my room for quite some time now lol. I bought it when i got my NYS certification as a First Responder. I was 16 then and somewhat buffy i guess lol. I was pretty proud of my accomplishment and was eager to show it off. At the time i rode for a VAC that did mandatory in-house duty crews and we all wore uniforms. Therefore i would wear my badge (with my NYS Cert. number on it) on my uniform. There was one incident where it came in handy lol. We had worked a cardiac arrest and the patient was an elderly cancer-stricken woman with a DNR. Problem was, the nobody could find the DNR to give to us. When it was finally located, the local Detectives were called as the patient was pronounced on-scene. One of the Detectives actually asked me for my badge number and i just pointed to my badge :angry: . That was the one and only time that the badge came in handy. As i stated, it stays in my room, so i have never tried it after being pulled over.

As some of you have mentioned (and it has been talked about before), you can be mistaken for a Police Officer. If you are wearing a dark uniform, with a badge and all sorts of goodies on your belt, you can see how the public may think you are with the PD. If you're in uniform and walk into a scene that may not be safe for one reason or another, you may be walking into a war zone. Remember, we can't always trust the dispatch information 100%. Calls are dispatched as they are received, so they may not be exactly what you think.

I think it is nice to have a badge with your NYS certification number on it in case you are asked to produce proof. However, you might as well just carry your cert card as that will be better proof!

My badge is of the Detective/9-point style, with the NYS seal in the middle. It also has Emergency Medical Services, Dept. of Health and my NYS certification number on it. As i said, i got it when i was a CFR, so i got Emergency Medical Services on it so when i became an EMT, i just kept the same badge (as my Cert. # stayed the same).

If you are interested in a badge, a good place online is The Fire Store:

Also, a good local place is Web's World Public Safety equipment on North James St. in Peekskill. That is where i ordered my badge from. The owner, Warren, carries every kind of badge you could imagine. You pick the type of badge you want, as well as what you want on it and you'll get it within a couple of weeks.

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