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City of Newburgh (Orange) - 2nd Alarm - 06/16/13

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Date: 06-16-13
Time: 1145hrs (approx)
Location: 300 Gidney Ave - Gidney Ave School
Units: NFD Car-1, Car-4, E1, E3, T1, E10, Castle Point FDVA (FAST), West Point Engine, Vails Gate Engine, Winona Lake Truck, Coldenham Truck, 36-14, C/NPD, MLSS (several).
Description: Working Fire in an occupied School

1145hrs(approx)-Box Alarm transmitted, NFD companies dispatched.

NFD T1 arrived 1st due and made entry into the building where they encountered a heavy smoke condition. Members quickly located the fire, which was in a 2nd floor classroom. The Truck crew was able to hold the fire with PWC's until the 1st due Engine could get a line inside. The Engine crew stretched a 2 1/2" line, quickly knocking down the fire.

As mutual-aid companies arrived, they were advised to assist in opening up and placing ventilation fans as there was a smoke condition throughout.

Once the smoke was cleared, companies started taking up as NFD Fire Investigators started their investigation.

All mutual aid was released within approximately 2 hours.

Once again, another quick stop by the NFD! Things could have been much different in an occupied elementary school. Nice work to the NFD, as well as the M/A companies.

Edited by BFD1054

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