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Grand Canyon Tightrope Walk Tonight

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So, there's this special on Discovery tonight about a guy who has a family history/legacy of walking tightropes. (They once performed in Hartsdale when I was a kid).

Well, one of the descentants, Nik, is trying live tonight to walk across the canyon on a tightrope with no harness, net, or anything. He doesn't strike me as smart, talented, or an entertainers. I had to change the channel when he said he has to kiss his kids and wife goodbye each time he leaves knowing he may not come back home. Maybe it's just me, but when you put yourself intentionally in danger for fame and bragging rights, and you have kids and a wife, it's not bravery, it's selfishness. I understand carrying on family tradition, but I don't understand why he wants to do it without a tether at least. It's either succeed, or fall to his death, on live worldwide TV/

Also to note, his great grandfather died walking between two buildings in Miami on a tightrope and fell.

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I couldn't agree with you more ^^. He probably said "Thank you Jesus" 100 times on that stupid wire, in my opinion the guy is a horrible father, risking his life like this for 15 minutes of fame.

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I doubt he said anything while on the wire. The people who do that have an ability to focus and a passion beyond anything anyone who isn't a tightrope walker can begin to fathom. There is a movie/documentary about Philippe Petit and his tight rope walk between the twin towers in 1974. That said, to be doing it sans safty harness when you have kids and with one slip will be plummeting 1500 feet to your death is just plain selfish.


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Discovery built it up too much... It took forever for him to get on the rope. While up there he said thanks Jesus way too much. Either way it was sketchy with the wind blowing and the rope moving.

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