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Arlington FD (Texas) Wreck

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Arlington FD Engine 11 was hit by a drunk driver Apr 5 while working a traffic accident. Engine 11 was blocking a portion of the road while crews were caring for patients when it was struck at high speed by a drunk driver. There were 3 fire fighters still in the cab of the engine. All 3 were transported and are ok. Engine 11 has been declared totaled.

This goes to show why we place apparatus the way we do on scenes. I know that here in South East Texas, we get a lot of flack from local PD and SO about blocking the road around the scene for our safety. They seem to find getting traffic flowing to be more important. An event like this proves why we use our apparatus as a safety cushion. Had Engine 11 not been there, there's no telling how many people would've been killed or severely injured.

*not my picture*


shfirefighter, E106MKFD and BFD1054 like this

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Glad the brothers will be ok. Could have been much, much worse had that engine not been blocking the scene. A rig can be replaced, humans can not.

suffernH&Lbuff likes this

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