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That's It! The Negative Comments Will Stop NOW!

13 posts in this topic

That's it!

Obviously, some of you have missed the Statement On Site Content, by Truck 4:

I have deleted numerous negative comments from this forum this week. And I'm tired of it. I've clearly stated numerous times why I do not want negative comments, department bashes, or Monday morning quarterbacking on this forum.

From this point foward, I will not be issuing any warnings, or PM'ing any member when I delete their posts. If you make a negative comment or monday morning quarterback or anything else that I find unacceptable for discussion on this forum....not only will your post be deleted, your posting privledges will be suspended for 30 days, period. It also seems that I am deleting the same members posts over and over. If you want to bash, TAKE IT ELSEWHERE! If you want solid and timely information, great members, constructive discussion, and a friendly atmosphere, then keep it here!

I'm disgusted with the complete disregard SOME members have for the purpose and rules of this forum and other members. It seems some members just like to dwell and pick on anything they can find an issue with, despite the fact they don't have complete and accurate information on what they are commenting on. It upsets me to have to take these actions, but I will do everything possible to protect the members who follow the rules and make positive contributions to this forum, and keep THEM coming back!

Yes, there are issues with the fire and EMS service in the area, but read the SSC for why specific department problem discussions are not allow.

One member went as far to say in a post today "It seems like a lot of posts are being deleted, and this one probaly will be too but I'll say it anyway" Thanks for acknowledging that you are violating the rules, and

rubbing it in my face and doing it anyway! Welcome to 30 days!!!!!


BTW, there is a lot more members reading this forum then posting on it....remember how many people will see your comments.

I'd love to hear any comment on the way this site is being run

For further information on this subject, please read this topic:

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I agree 100%.

Don't waste your time issuing warnings.

Just cut them out and suspend their privileges.

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Having members post their real names and company affilation in their bio's would stop alot of negative posts on the whole internet just my 2cents John DeMuro YFD

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that is the only way to do it cut them off and maybe they will learn if not kick them out

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Your on the right track. I belong to numerous other professional groups and the only way to keep good members is to warn and delete those who have an agenda or don't think before they post. If you don't it just spirals out of control.


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Personally, I think you should be a member of a department in order to be a member here. I know that some of us here are associated with the Fire and EMS fields through family and friends, but 9 times out of 10, when Joe Blow is commenting here on the way a department handled a job, he has no idea of the fact pattern surrounding the job and he has no department affiliation; so he can make negative comments without any kind of sanctions. (*****5 is a perfect example of this; as I am sure that he does not belong to a department.) If I had a dollar for every time I have said this, I wouldn't have to work for a living: We're all here for the healthy exchange of ideas and when we start attacking other departments we not only give ourselves, but our departments as well, a black eye. As a moderator, I have no problem locking threads and warning people, but it shouldn't have to be that way. Basically, it comes down to this: all the people who bash departments on this site are too afraid to do it in person and would rather do it behind a computer, and that goes to show exactly what kind of people, even as a minority, we have here, which is sad; so basically, if you want to say something that you wouldn't say to your chief or other line officer while in uniform or within the confines of the fire house, then think twice and keep your mouths shut. Just because you're on a computer doesn't make it different.

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i agree with u wolf watch what u say if it is somethinhg bad close your mouth i got in trouble wiht my own department for saying somethig stupid on this site and was suspened for 2 months watch what u say because word gets around i know and i learn from my mistakes

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I agree post real name and dept. affiliation - that will stop most of the cowardice and wannabees from commenting on issues which they have no business or knowledge.

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I like it!

John Munson

Croton Fire Department Captain (E119 & T10) / EMT

Cortlandt Community VAC EMT #8860

Among other things....and other names...

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I like it! 

John Munson

Croton Fire Department Captain (E119 & T10) / EMT

Cortlandt Community VAC EMT #8860

Among other things....and other names...


Chris Richie


Croton Falls Fire Department

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Tom O'Brien

Verplanck FD - Firefighter/CFR

Cortlandt VAC - CFR #8878

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Alex Vergo

Yorktown Heights Fire Department

Yorktown Volunteer Ambulance Corps

Volusia County Fire Services Station 11, Holly Hill, FL



Edited by EMSJunkie712

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There is an "Introduce Yourself" thread in the Network Headquarters forum for these posts.


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