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City Island Companies

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Can anyone tell me what companies are assigned to the Bronx City Island House? I was unable to locate in a couple of web sites I checked. Thanks.

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Thanks for the quick reply.

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anyone have run stats for them?

Run stats.....yeah, NOT REAL BUSY! :)

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Last i knew, they were not allowed to leave the Island. Anyone know how far the next nearest company is?

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The companies are not allowed to relocate.....the companies are filled whenever either rig is unavailable, regardless of period of unavailability. E66, L61 would be the closest companies I think??? JBE can correct me if i'm wrong.

Edited by Sq288_HM1

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If you go to Frank Raffa's site (a Brooklyn supervising dispatcher) list all the run stats for the companies. He separates them too into runs workers and EMS it think. Check it ut

City Island, the last I check for '04 were the lowest and I don;t think they come off the island since they are prety much it for 6 miles, give or take a few. Plus I know the Coast Guard Auxillary has a boat there or at least used to.

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They don't leave the island. If they are going out of service, they have to have a relocator on the island before they can go out. The closest companies are 66 and 61 in Co Op City, followed by 97 Engine over by Jacobi Hospital. I haven't looked at my colleague Franks' site in a while, but I would say they do about 3 to 500 runs a year.

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Last i knew, they were not allowed to leave the Island.  Anyone know how far the next nearest company is?

Engine 66 & Ladder 61 out of Co-Op City are 2nd due into City Island. Engine 70 & Tower Ladder 53 do not leave the Island Because of the draw bridge. Even if there is an MVA on the bridge E70 & TL53 do not respond. E66 & L61 are 1st due.

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They do not leave the island because they are geographically isolated. Doesn't make sense to send them off the island to a job if you have to fill them anyway. If the bridge you refer to is the City Island Bridge, which is the second bridge, they are first due there. It's also an unwritten rule that a Tower Ladder has to go to City Island if 53 goes out. But, if you're in a jam you can send an aerial over there.

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e70 does about 200 and tl 53 does 96 a year

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If City Islands tower ladder is out of service another tower ladder must be sent out to them. 41 truck gets stuck with this detail all the time.

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with only 96 runs for the year the ladder relocate would be a good one on a night tour,seems you would get a good nite in bed and isn't that what all us old time smokies want. :unsure:

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If City Islands tower ladder is out of service another tower ladder must be sent out to them. 41 truck gets stuck with this detail all the time.

The coverage gets spread out. Sometimes it is just easier to send the gang from Morris Park over there. Sometimes it's 58,31,51,54 and I have sent 17 up there a few times. I wouldn't necessarily call it getting stuck. And, we have sent rear mounts over there if there were no tower ladders we could move without causing a problem.

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The coverage gets spread out. Sometimes it is just easier to send the gang from Morris Park over there. Sometimes it's 58,31,51,54 and I have sent 17 up there a few times. I wouldn't necessarily call it getting stuck. And, we have sent rear mounts over there if there were no tower ladders we could move without causing a problem.

I'm not saying you only pick on us guys from Morris Park. And believe me, sometimes it's a welcome relief getting sent over there after getting beat up on a previous tour.

You get so defensive sometimes ;)

I still need you to figure out a day to bring the companies by.

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